Anupama 29th May 2024 Written Update Strong Anupama

Anupama 29th May 2024 Written Update Strong Anupama

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Anupama 29th May 2024 Written Update Strong Anupama. Vanraj implores Anupama to refrain from continuously accusing Paritosh, while Hasmukh interjects to try and diffuse the situation. Yashdeep turns to Biji and suggests they consider traveling to Kenya, but Biji seeks clarification on his suggestion. Yashdeep explains that due to the current circumstances in India and the US, they are unable to show their faces. However, Biji rejects the idea of escaping, as she is concerned about Anupama’s well-being. On the other hand, Yashdeep dismisses any concern for Anupama.

Amidst this, Leela and Vanraj come to Paritosh’s defense, as Pakhi also takes his side. Vanraj points out that Paritosh cannot possibly be capable of serving cockroaches. However, Anupama reveals that it was indeed Paritosh who served the dish in her absence. Despite this revelation, Vanraj maintains that it does not prove Paritosh’s guilt beyond a doubt, leading Anupama to directly ask Paritosh to confess his wrongdoing instead. Paritosh admits to his wrongdoing and agrees to let her call anyone she wants to prove it. He reminds her that he initially refused, but is now accepting it as she desires. He warns her that if she cannot provide evidence, he will take legal action against her for defamation.

Anupama 29th May 2024 Written Update Strong Anupama

Anupama tells him it’s pointless to speak with him and asks him not to come near her, even in the event of her death. She also instructs him not to cremate her body. She claims that she has taken away that right from him and wishes for him to have good health and happiness, but declares that his mother is dead to her. Vanraj thinks she is being dramatic. Anupama asks Hasmukh to take care of himself before leaving and informs Anuj that she still understands him. She requests him to take her to Yashdeep’s house. Aadhya opens her tiffin and offers the food to her friends, but they refuse, claiming there might be a cockroach inside. They proceed to taunt her, insinuating that she must be unhygienic like her food.

Aadhya feels deflated and saddened by their words. She knows she cannot disgrace the food and considers throwing it away. In the midst of this, she overhears Pari’s friend’s mother telling her daughter not to eat from Aadhya’s tiffin. Kinjal intervenes and confronts the woman, questioning what she is telling the kids. The girl’s mother threatens to speak to the Principal about removing Anupama’s granddaughter from the school as she believes Anupama has disgraced India. Yashdeep confides in Biji that Anupama had many responsibilities, while all he could contribute was spice and chutney. He regrets making her his partner and declares that she does not deserve it. Anupama agrees with him and adds that she came to return the partnership deed.

She explains that Spice and Chutney was more than just a business; it was her home where she had put in all her hard work and dedication without making any mistakes. Vanraj states that Anupama will not attend the wedding and insists that the black spot is unnecessary. Leela, Pakhi, and Dimpy all support his decision. Dimpy even goes as far as to say that if her mother doesn’t come, she will not get married. Vanraj is certain that the marriage will not take place regardless. Meanwhile, Anupama is outside Spice and Chutney when Hasmukh calls her. Despite his concerns for her well-being, Anupama assures him that she is simply surviving.

Overcome with emotion, Hasmukh praises her courage. To lift her spirits, he reminds her of their locked restaurant and how it will be reopening soon. As they talk, Kavya and Dimpy extend an invitation for Anupama to attend the wedding. However, Dimpy makes it clear that she will not go through with it if her mother does not join them. Shruti approaches Anuj and proudly states that she can stand on her own feet. Anuj is overjoyed to see her progress. She credits him, the medical staff, Aadhya, and Anupama for her recovery. Upon spotting Anupama, Shruti embraces Anuj and remarks that they are reunited like old times.

Anupama 29th May 2024 Written Update Strong Anupama

However, when Anupama walks towards them, Anuj reveals that she has surrendered the partnership deed to Yashdeep as informed by their lawyer. Anupama explains that she does not want to cause any trouble for anyone and decides to leave. Aadhya also urges her to go. Later, Aadhya confides in Anuj about being bullied by their friends because of him and how their lives have been affected since his arrival. She pleads with him to send Anupama away so they can live peacefully once again. Anupama tells Aadhya that she did not make any mistake. She wonders why Aadhya did not stand up for herself and clarify that they are not related, and instead let others speak to her.

She mentions Aadhya’s tendency to argue at home and requests her to respond tomorrow while advocating for herself. Anupama also brings up the issue of her stay, mentioning that she does not want to cause trouble for others and hence will not stay in Spice & Chutney or with her. She asks Aadhya for some time to pack her things.






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