Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2024 Written Update Preeran connect

Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2024 Written Update Preeran connect

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2024 Written Update Preeran connect. Palki confides in Preeta, revealing Varun’s cunning nature and his warning to Kavya to stay away from them. Preeta, considering Kavya as her daughter, reassures Palki that they won’t let anything bad happen to Kavya. They decide to check CCTV footage for clues about Varun’s involvement with another girl. Meanwhile, Mahesh questions Jindal about why the annual meeting isn’t online. Jindal explains the importance of this project and reveals that Mr. Singanya won the project by a one-rupee margin, shocking the Luthras except for Shaurya. Mahesh reviews the quotation sheets.

Gurpreet advises Preeta to take care of herself before leaving for a week. Curious about the meeting’s outcome, Preeta calls Karan, who informs her that they lost the project due to a leaked quotation. Mahesh tries to console Karan, while Preeta worries about Rajveer’s disappointment. At the office, Rajveer is baffled by the leaked quotation, feeling guilty for losing the project despite Karan’s trust. He dismisses his staff and ignores Palki’s call initially but answers it later, promising to talk to her later.

Shaurya tells Sandy about Rajveer’s distress over losing the project. When Rajveer questions Shaurya’s lack of upset, Shaurya pretends to be distressed and asks to be left alone. Rajveer leaves, and Shaurya regrets his reaction, knowing the Luthras lost a significant project. The Luthra women discuss a family trip, while Nidhi secretly revels in the family’s loss. She plans a party, highlighting Rajveer’s hard work on the failed project. When the Luthra men arrive, Mahesh announces the project loss. Rakhi comforts Karan, assuring him they’ll secure another big project.

Karan encounters Preeta outside their home. Surprised by her presence, he asks why she is there. Preeta remarks on life’s unpredictability and offers him the laddus she made, mentioning they are Rajveer’s favorite and hoping Karan will enjoy them too. She then agrees to accompany him to the airport. Keep reading for Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2024 Written Update.

Kundali Bhagya 5th July 2024 Written Update Preeran connect:

Shaurya informs the Luthras that their strong reputation in the business industry led them to believe they would secure the project. However, he reveals that the rival’s quotation was only one rupee less than theirs. Nidhi questions why Shaurya is mentioning this now. He explains that someone leaked their quotation amount to the rivals. Mahesh immediately dismisses this possibility, stating that only he, Karan, and Rajveer were aware of the quotation amount. Shaurya then suggests that Rajveer may have been the one who leaked it. Palki intervenes, urging Shaurya not to accuse Rajveer without any evidence.

However, Shaurya insists on taking the police to Rajveer’s house, recalling how Rajveer had betrayed them in the past. He abruptly leaves, leaving Palki to reach out to Rajveer with no response from his end. Preeta inquires Karan about his faith. He responds by expressing his belief that divine intervention is responsible for the magic in life. Curious as to why she is asking about this now, Preeta explains that although he did not secure the project today, there may be a bigger opportunity tomorrow. As they arrive at the airport, Karan instructs the driver to take Preeta home.

Meanwhile, Shaurya visits Rajveer to discuss the conference, and Rajveer assures him that fluctuations in business are common and they will eventually land a lucrative project. He adds that life is unpredictable and they should focus on earning more profit. Shaurya then questions Rajveer’s sudden desire for revenge, to which Rajveer counters by asking why Shaurya is bringing up such matters. The police have arrived and Shaurya informs the inspector that he reached out to them. He explains that Rajveer has shared their quotation amount with the rivals. Rajveer questions Shaurya’s sanity and the inspector begins searching the premises. Palki arrives and urges Shaurya to stop the police as Rajveer is innocent.

Before she can finish, a constable finds cash in the cupboard, much to Rajveer and Palki’s shock. Denying any involvement, Rajveer is taken into custody by the inspector. Palki pleads for more time to prove his innocence while Shaurya insists that Mr. Singhania himself confirmed receiving a call from Rajveer. Defending himself, Rajveer maintains that he did no such thing and asks the inspector to carry out his duty without wasting any more time. Suspecting Shaurya for framing him, he proclaims his innocence one last time as he is taken away by the police. The police take Rajveer away, followed by Palki.

Shaurya then tells Daljeet to call off the marriage between Rajveer and Palki. Palki reaches out to Preeta and informs her of Rajveer’s arrest. Preeta reassures Palki that she will go to the police station and not to worry. Meanwhile, Shaurya shares with Sandy that Rajveer’s reputation in the business industry is now ruined and no one will trust him anymore. He expresses his happiness over Rajveer’s arrest and how he has emerged victorious against him. Finally, Shaurya answers Nidhi’s call and reveals the news of Rajveer’s arrest to her.






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