Udne Ki Aasha 13th July 2024 Sachin ends ties with Sayali

Udne Ki Aasha 13th July 2024 Sachin ends ties with Sayali

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Udne Ki Aasha 13th July 2024 Sachin ends ties with Sayali. Renu sends Shakku to speak to Sayali. Shakku questions Sayali about the moneylender, eventually learning that the car Sachin has been using is owned by this same man. Relieved to have found a lead, Shakku instructs Sayali to proceed with her task. Meanwhile, Sudhakar, feeling confident after his financial sabotage of Sachin, is confronted by Sachin himself. A scuffle ensues, during which Sudhakar’s henchmen intervene and capture Sachin. Anya arrives just in time to save Sachin by striking one of the goons with a heavy sack. Sachin manages to overpower Sudhakar momentarily, but Sudhakar retaliates by striking him with a metal rod, declaring his intent to kill Sachin. Before the situation escalates further, Anya pleads with Sachin to spare Sudhakar’s life, leading Sudhakar to flee while Sachin gives chase.

On another front, Renu faces financial pressure and proposes to mortgage her gold bangles to pay off debts. However, Roshni suggests finding a job instead, fearing the repercussions of mortgaging valuables. Renu and Shakku visit the moneylender, who demands repayment within three days or threatens to claim their house. Despite their plea, he demands additional security, forcing Renu to reluctantly hand over her bangles. Meanwhile, Sachin seeks justice at the police station, accusing Sudhakar of framing him. However, the skeptical inspector dismisses his claims due to a lack of evidence, leading to a heated argument. Frustrated with the lack of support from authorities, Sachin vows to pursue Sudhakar on his own.

Simultaneously, tensions arise within Sachin’s family when he discovers that Sayali knew about Sudhakar’s involvement but kept it from him. This revelation sparks anger and mistrust, with Sachin feeling betrayed by Sayali’s silence. Sachin staggers home, heavily intoxicated. His eyes blaze with fury as he confronts Sayali for hiding the truth, his voice echoing through the walls. He blames her for shattering his trust. Sayali gets back at him. Her response hits him. She tells that she didn’t break his trust, but was only looking out for him in a caring way. He grows mad and ends ties with Sayali.


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