MSBD 11th September 2024 Written Update

MSBD 11th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

MSBD 11th September 2024 Written Update. In Maati Se Bandhi Dor today, Sarje Rao Saheb notices a beautiful Rangoli and asks who made it. Vasundara, who was supposed to create it, explains that she had a backache and couldn’t do it. Rohan steps forward and admits that he made it, asking if he did something wrong. Vaiju, defending him, explains that she had asked him to make it. To everyone’s surprise, Rao Saheb praises Rohan’s Rangoli, saying it’s the most beautiful one he has ever seen. Vasundara agrees and asks Rohan who the figure in the Rangoli represents. Rohan proudly says it’s his mother, sharing that his art is inspired by her. Everyone is impressed, but Vaiju becomes emotional. When asked why, Vaiju admits that Rohan’s love for his mother has moved her, and she laments that she has no such memories of her mother. Vasundara consoles her, saying that a mother lives in her child’s heart and reminds Vaiju that she considers herself like a mother to her.

As they talk, Rohan’s sketch accidentally flies out of the window. Rao Saheb retrieves the sketch, and upon seeing it, is shocked—it’s a drawing of Meera, Rohan’s mother. Rohan confirms that the woman in the sketch is indeed his mother, leaving Rao Saheb deeply emotional. Vaiju also sees the sketch and is struck by a memory of a photograph. She goes to the storeroom and retrieves an old picture, recognizing the connection. Meanwhile, Rao Saheb praises Rohan’s artistic talent and asks if Rohan would teach him, which Rohan agrees to.

As Vaiju observes this interaction, she starts to piece things together and wonders about the relationship between Rao Saheb and Meera. Rao Saheb, feeling emotional, asks Rohan about his father. Rohan explains that he doesn’t know anything about his father, as his mother raised him alone before passing away. Rao Saheb, clearly affected, almost reveals the truth by saying, “I am your…” but stops himself and instead tells Rohan that he knows who his father is and asks if Rohan would like to meet him. Rohan, eager to know his father, agrees, saying he would love to meet and stay with him.

After Rohan leaves, Rao Saheb retreats to a private moment with Meera’s photograph, where he emotionally speaks to her, revealing that he is Rohan’s father. Vaiju, who overhears this confession, confronts Rao Saheb and asks if it’s true. Rao Saheb admits the truth—that he is indeed Rohan’s father. He explains that while Vasundara knows about his relationship with Meera, she doesn’t know that they had a child together. He reveals that he and Meera loved each other deeply, but due to family pressure, he couldn’t marry her. When Meera told him she was pregnant, he became frightened as he already had a family with children. He told Meera that he couldn’t accept the child, and she left, determined to raise the child alone. Rao Saheb tried searching for her and the child for years but never found them—only to now discover that Rohan is his son.

Vaiju, shocked by the revelation, asks what Rao Saheb plans to do next. She warns him that if Vasundara, Ranvijay, and Ragini find out the truth from someone else, it could be disastrous. Rao Saheb agrees but insists that he must keep the secret for now, as revealing it would shatter his family. He promises to tell them the truth when the time is right but asks Vaiju to keep it to herself for the time being. He explains that he cannot bear to hurt Vasundara’s heart.

Vaiju, holding the photograph, agrees to keep the secret but expresses her sorrow for Rohan. She worries that Rohan will continue to search for his family and never receive the rights that are his due. Vaiju pleads with Rao Saheb to reveal the truth sooner rather than later so that Rohan can claim his rightful place in the family.


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