MSBD 19th September 2024 Written Update

MSBD 19th September 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

MSBD 19th September 2024 Written Update. In Maati Se Bandhi Dor written update today, Despite Vaiju’s attempts to help Jaya up, she continues to cry out in pain. Amid their urgency, Jaya reminds them that time is not on their side as a large section of the bridge collapses towards them. Vaiju assures her that she will never leave her behind, especially after losing Durga. She urges Jaya to stay strong and remember that their family is searching for them, including Ranvijay who cares deeply for Jaya and needs her. She adds that women possess extraordinary courage and patience.

Therefore, Jaya recalls her memories with Ranvijay while he searches for both Vaiju and Jaya. Meanwhile, Vasundara gazes at Lord Ganesh’s idol at home as she prays. Vaiju commends Jaya’s bravery and urges her to summon it. Without hesitation, Jaya springs into action to help Vaiju remove a piece of the fallen bridge that has injured her hand. Despite their success in this task, they are met with another obstacle as another part of the bridge threatens to fall on them, especially Vaiju.

In panic, Jaya cries out for help while Ranvijay witnesses Vaiju lose consciousness from the impact of the falling debris. Ranvijay hurries to assist Vaiju, while Jaya, also lying among the rocks, sees him in the background. Jaya is unable to call out for his help and he fails to notice her. Ranvijay carries Vaiju in his arms and departs from the scene, leaving Jaya behind. She gradually loses consciousness once more, calling for Ranvijay.

Eventually, Rao Saheb and a rescue team arrive and take Jaya to safety. Meanwhile, Vasundara rekindles an earthen lamp and proclaims that her faith cannot be shaken by any bad omens. Ragini summons Vasundara and Sulekha to check the news about Jaya’s rescue, commenting on how Rao Saheb is being hailed as a hero. However, Sulekha notices Ranvijay carrying Vaiju instead of his wife and feels that this is unjust. Meanwhile, the family eagerly awaits for Jaya to regain consciousness.

When she finally wakes up, she asks for her cake. Playing along, Nagraj mentions that they are discussing which flavor to get for her. Vasundara adds that it feels like her birthday all over again. Jaya’s eyes are locked on Ranvijay as he takes a seat beside her. The sight of them together brings smiles to everyone’s faces. Rohan soon arrives and delivers the good news that Vaiju has regained consciousness. The entire family rushes off to see her. As Ranvijay prepares to also visit Vaiju, Sulekha interjects and questions his decision to save Vaiju over Jaya, taunting him in the process. Jaya ponders this same thought while Ranvijay watches on.


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