Maati Se Bandhi Dor 2nd October 2024 Written Update

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 2nd October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 2nd October 2024 Written Update. In Maati Se Bandhi Dor written update today, Vaiju shares with Milind about her marriage and Ranvijay, speaking highly of him. She mentions that he encouraged her to continue studying despite preparing for her 12th exams. When Milind asks why Ranvijay didn’t join them, Vaiju brushes it off saying he’s busy with work. Despite Milind’s prying questions, she insists she asked him to focus on his work. Eventually, Milind apologizes and expresses happiness for Vaiju’s marital bliss. Ranvijay then reveals his plans to go to Pune and subsequently Jhumri Patan, which perplexes Rao Sahab who questions their purpose of going there without any clients.

However, Ranvijay explains that they have a potential new client and admits he doesn’t know much about them. Despite Vasundara’s objection to him going to Pune, Jaya reassures Ranvijay that there won’t be any pressure for him to join them if he has other commitments. In turn, Rao Sahab advises him not to rush into business decisions and cautions against impulsive actions that could affect the company in the long run. As Ranvijay mentally struggles with how to tell his plans. Ranvijay apologizes and explains that he must leave immediately. It is important and he cannot stay any longer. He promises Vaiju that when he returns, he will be a better son and husband. As he departs, Vaiju prays for courage while tears fall from her eyes.

Ranvijay ponders why he is going to Jhumri Patan, reflecting on how Jaya had saved his life. He knows she will not accept money from him and is determined to end their story once and for all. Meanwhile, Jaya wonders what could be more important to Ranvijay than her. As the morning sunlight streams through the window, Vaiju rushes to the door and finds Milind waiting outside. She quickly greets him and asks if anyone else is coming. As they make their way inside, Milind inquires about her studying. Vaiju assures him that she has studied diligently and he can quiz her on any subject.

In a thoughtful gesture, Milind presents her with jalebis and vada pau, knowing it’s her favorite. However, remembering Ranvijay, Vaiju declines the offer due to her upcoming exam. As Aaji joins them and feeds Vaiju curd and sugar for good luck, Milind also offers some to her. Aaji expresses how she wishes Ranvijay could have been there too. Vaiju shares that she has a token of shagun from him – a pen that holds special memories for her. She hugs Aaji and leaves for her exam while Ranvijay is on his way as well. On their way to the exam center, Vaiju’s friends admire how lucky she is to have such a supportive husband like Ranvijay by her side. As Ranvijay arrives, his bike loses balance and he falls onto Vaiju, causing them to share a moment of eye contact.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 2nd October 2024 Written Update

He checks to make sure she’s okay, but she scolds him for showing up there. He retorts, asking why she didn’t question his sudden appearance. She walks away and he persists, demanding to know why she suddenly returned. She responds by saying she called Vasundara to inform her of her whereabouts and asks if he did the same with his family and where he is staying. He is defensive, questioning why she cares. Frustrated, she decides to leave but he calls out after her, suggesting that she thinks she can save him or do him a favor by leaving. Vaiju interrupts by reminding him that his life is valuable and should not be taken lightly.

He admits that he knows this, but still feels like he needs to pay a price for something. She asks if money can fix it and he replies that it can by offering material possessions such as a new house or car or expensive gifts for a better life. She then pointedly questions him and leaves him speechless. He feels burdened by her favors and decides to give his name to her. Ranvijay declares that he is Vaiju’s husband and she is his wife.


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