Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Update Kavya is back

Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Update Kavya is back

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Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Update Kavya is back. Today in Kundali Bhagya written update, Nidhi scolds Preeta for insulting Shaurya. Preeta says that she doesn’t know why fate has brought her to the Luthra house. Nidhi asks her to get away. Kavya overhears their argument. Nidhi warns Preeta about Shaurya’s anger. Preeta asks Nidhi if she doesn’t value anyone’s life. She lectures Nidhi. She says that Nidhi’s wrong upbringing has spoilt Shaurya. She adds that if Nidhi taught Shaurya to value money and relationships, then he would have been a good person. Kavya supports Preeta.

Preeta tells Nidhi that they would have taught her how to raise a son if they met before. She asks Nidhi not to have such a big ego. Nidhi asks her not to teach her about life and comfort. She taunts Preeta. Preeta says that she is independent and does her work on her own. Nidhi asks her not to cross her limits. Preeta says that Nidhi should have taught Shaurya about his limits. Nidhi insults her. Preeta says that it’s her house and she is living with the Luthras with her rights. Nidhi gets worried for a while until Preeta tells about her emotional connection with the family. Nidhi shouts at her.

Preeta stays calm and continues the lecture. She says that she will become Shaurya’s mother and teach him the right values. Kavya gets happy hearing Preeta’s words. Nidhi fumes in anger and goes to her room. Kavya tells that Preeta is back. Shaurya gets upset thinking of Preeta. He tells Sunny that he is thinking of Preeta and losing focus. Sunny drives. Shaurya looks for his phone. He borrows Sunny’s phone to make a call. He says that Sunny’s phone is off. Sunny apologizes.

He asks him to take her home. Kavya rushes to meet Preeta. She hugs Preeta. She says that she isn’t hiding anything. Preeta asks why is she crying. She worries about Varun troubling Kavya again. Kavya tells that Varun isn’t back. She shares her joy with Preeta. She knows Preeta’s intentions can never be wrong. She supports Preeta.

Kundali Bhagya 8th October 2024 Written Update Kavya is back

She asks Preeta to beat Shaurya again if he makes a mistake. Preeta says that she will not let him go on the wrong path. Kavya cheers up Preeta. Shaurya comes back home to take his phone. Preeta asks him to come for a talk. Nidhi overhears Karan and Mahesh’s conversation. Karan says that he will hand over the entire business to Rajveer if Shaurya doesn’t apologize for his misbehavior. Mahesh asks him to calm down and not punish Shaurya. Karan tells that Shaurya isn’t ready to say sorry to them. He adds that he won’t give any company to Shaurya. Nidhi is shocked to know Karan’s decision.

Karan says that Shaurya has no humbleness and qualities of a good boss. Mahesh asks him to give a chance to Shaurya to prove himself. Karan tells him that the business head has to be a good person. Mahesh tells Karan that many people are egoistic and don’t like to say sorry. Karan tells him that he can’t give more time to Shaurya. He adds that it’s his final decision to give the Luthra empire to Rajveer’s safe hands. Nidhi gets upset. Shaurya goes to Preeta. She asks him why is he staring at her with anger. Kavya asks him to behave himself. Shaurya asks her not to blame him always. He disrespects Preeta and expresses his hatred. Kavya says that Preeta is like their mother. He rebukes Preeta. Kavya asks him to shut up.

He says that Preeta did wrong by beating him. Preeta tells him that she was also hurt, but she had to do it to explain the wrong to him. She doesn’t want him to fall into evil. She says that she wants him to reform. He asks her to stay away from him. He doesn’t want to talk to her. Kavya asks him to respect Preeta. He says that Preeta doesn’t respect him. He asks her why is she supporting Preeta like her puppet. Preeta asks her to keep his manners when he talks to his elder brother. She threatens to slap him if he hurts Kavya’s heart. She asks him to say sorry to Kavya. Shaurya apologizes to Kavya. Kavya is glad that Shaurya said sorry to her for Preeta’s saying. She is hopeful that Preeta will change Shaurya.

Preeta says that Shaurya will always listen to her because of love. Daljeet tells Rakhi that they want to go home. Rakhi asks her to stay back for some time. Kavya meets them. Rajveer tells them that Shaurya isn’t at home. Preeta tells that Shaurya just came home and went to his room. She asks Daljeet to wait for Karan, who wants to make an announcement. Shaurya looks for his phone. He finds his phone when Nidhi calls him. He takes her call. She learns that he is back and rushes to his room. She tells him about Karan’s decision. She asks him to apologize to the people.

She says that Karan decided to give the business to Rajveer if Shaurya didn’t apologize to those people. He asks how can Karan do this. She says that Karan was saying Shaurya has no humanity and patience, so he will give the entire business to Rajveer. He tells her that he doesn’t care. She asks him to not lose everything to Rajveer. He says that he doesn’t want the business. She asks him to take revenge on Rajveer by getting the company’s control in his hands. She says that he can insult Rajveer once he becomes the boss. He refuses to apologize. She begs him and emotionally blackmails him.

Shaurya melts his heart when she acts shattered. He tells that he can do anything for her sake. He agrees to apologize. He says that he will throw out Rajveer and Preeta from their lives once he gets the business in his hands. She agrees. Shaurya goes to apologize to the people. She thinks to show her talent.


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