Bhagya Lakshmi 15th October 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 15th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 15th October 2024 Written Update. In Bhagya Lakshmi written update today, Lakshmi confronts Vijay and insists that she will repeat Malishka’s exact words to clear things up. She explains how she overheard Malishka talking on the phone, instructing someone to take good care of Parvati and revealing that Rishi would meet Parvati within two hours. Lakshmi also recalls Malishka saying that Rishi would be upset if Parvati complained about him. Repeating these details, Lakshmi makes it clear that these were Malishka’s words. Rishi, puzzled, turns to Malishka and demands to know who she was talking to during that call.

Meanwhile, Balwinder is dealing with a different problem. He is furious with his friend Chandu for hitting a police inspector. Chandu defends his actions, arguing that if he hadn’t done so, they all would have been thrown in jail. Despite Chandu’s reasoning, Balwinder is still frustrated and starts thinking about how to handle the situation they now find themselves in.

Back to Rishi, he presses Malishka again, asking her if she knows who the kidnapper is. Lakshmi, losing her patience, demands that Rishi stop pretending and tell her where Parvati is. Rishi gets defensive and warns Lakshmi that she’s pushing him too far and making him angry. Unfazed, Lakshmi replies that she doesn’t care if he gets angry. Malishka tries to intervene, telling Lakshmi to stop and throwing accusations her way, implying that Lakshmi is only acting this way because she’s not part of the family. Lakshmi fires back, insisting that Malishka hand over her phone for inspection. When Malishka refuses, Lakshmi forcefully grabs the phone and hands it to Vijay, telling him to check it for evidence of the call.

Vijay examines the phone and tells Lakshmi that no calls were made from Malishka’s phone since 11 a.m. Lakshmi is shocked and insists that Malishka made a call. Vijay offers her the phone to check the call log herself, but when she does, there is no record of the call she mentioned. It’s revealed to the audience that after Lakshmi left earlier, Malishka had cleverly deleted the number from her call log, knowing Lakshmi would check.

Rishi seizes the opportunity to accuse Lakshmi of being behind Parvati’s abduction. He points out that there’s no solid proof against him and claims Lakshmi is the real kidnapper. He instructs Vijay to check the message that was sent to Lakshmi’s phone. Vijay reads the message aloud, revealing that the kidnapper instructed Lakshmi to come to the Haveli with money and mentioned that Parvati was playing outside. Upon hearing this, the Oberoi family immediately turns against Lakshmi, accusing her of orchestrating the kidnapping. Lakshmi strongly denies this and asks Vijay to hand her the phone so she can see the message for herself.

Realizing that Lakshmi could figure out something was wrong if she saw the timestamp of the message, Malishka quickly grabs the phone from Vijay and deliberately drops it into the water. Vijay is stunned by this and accuses Malishka of destroying crucial evidence. Malishka, however, claims she will recover the phone. Rishi seizes the moment to demand that Vijay arrest Lakshmi for the kidnapping. Lakshmi, in turn, counters by asking Vijay to arrest Rishi, claiming he’s the true kidnapper. Rishi challenges Lakshmi to prove her accusation, confidently stating that she won’t find any evidence because it’s simply not true.

Meanwhile, Balwinder and his gang are panicking about how to handle the unconscious police inspector. Parvati regains consciousness and tries to revive the inspector, but he remains unresponsive. Chandu suggests to Balwinder that the easiest way out of their dilemma would be to kill the police inspector.

Back at the Oberoi house, Rishi vows to find Parvati and prove that Lakshmi is behind the kidnapping. Lakshmi, however, asserts the opposite and leaves to search for Parvati herself. Rishi, along with Ayush, begins searching for Parvati as well. During the search, Ayush offers Lakshmi a ride in their car, but Rishi objects, reminding Ayush that Lakshmi is still considered the prime suspect in the case.


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