Kundali Bhagya 15th October 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 15th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Kundali Bhagya 15th October 2024 Written Update. In Kundali Bhagya written update today, Preeta brings food to Shaurya’s room, telling him she has brought something for him to eat. Shaurya, however, tells her that he isn’t hungry and will eat when he feels like it. Preeta insists, reminding him that he is her child and she will feed him, but Shaurya coldly tells her to leave. Preeta asks him if he intends to speak to her this way, to which Shaurya replies that she can either complain to Karan about him or beat him if she wants. Preeta urges him to at least eat some food, but he refuses. She decides to leave the food on the dining table, saying he can eat when he gets hungry and leaves the room.

Meanwhile, in jail, Varun and Anshuman talk with Nidhi. Varun assures Nidhi that once they are free, they will fulfill her task. Anshuman adds that they will ensure Preeta is driven out of the Luthra house. Nidhi stresses that no one should find out about their deal, or they will all face trouble. Aarohi agrees, warning that if the secret gets out, they could all lose. Nidhi promises to secure bail for both Anshuman and Varun by tomorrow, and Varun thanks her for this.

Later, Shaurya is playing a game when Kritika enters and congratulates him on becoming the owner of three companies. Shaurya dismisses this, saying that those aren’t the best companies. Kritika encourages him to see it as a challenge and make the most of the opportunity, but Shaurya responds that he doesn’t feel like proving anything at the moment and walks away. In his mind, Shaurya thinks that Rajveer must be having a difficult time. He calls Rajveer to ask about his day. When Rajveer responds that he’s busy, Shaurya mocks him, asking how it feels to take over his father’s business. Rajveer calmly tells Shaurya that Karan gave him the business because he trusts Rajveer’s abilities and knows he will handle it well. He adds that while he is capable, Shaurya is not, and then disconnects the call.

Frustrated, Shaurya tries to call Rajveer again, but Rajveer doesn’t answer. Angry, Shaurya goes downstairs and calls out for Girish. Preeta, noticing his mood, asks what’s wrong. Shaurya tells her that Rajveer has upset him. Preeta gently advises him not to let his anger get the best of him. She also reminds Shaurya that she had left food for him on the dining table. Shaurya snaps back, asking if she expects him to eat cold food. Preeta replies that she would be happy to make fresh food for him, but only if he asks politely. She adds that Shaurya won’t get fresh food if he disrespects what’s already prepared.

Shaurya, still irritated, tells her to keep the food for herself and says he will eat out instead. Preeta reminds him that at this hour, most restaurants won’t be serving lunch and insists that eating at home is healthier and more hygienic. Shaurya, finally giving in, says that he is hungry and doesn’t want a lecture, just food. Preeta tells him that next time, he should eat with the family. Shaurya agrees, and Preeta heads to the kitchen to prepare fresh food for him while Karan, who overheard their conversation, watches silently.

In the kitchen, Rakhi comments to Preeta that Shaurya listened to her. Preeta expresses hope that Shaurya will eventually find the right path. Karan praises Preeta for how well she managed Shaurya’s behavior, but Preeta warns him not to interfere between her and her son. Karan then asks her to help guide Shaurya to become more like Rajveer.

Back in the dining area, Shaurya waits for his food while the Luthra family looks on, happy to see this change in him. Rajveer arrives, and Kavya quickly pulls him inside to avoid tension between him and Shaurya. Preeta brings Shaurya the food, and he begins eating. Preeta smiles, pleased to see her son finally eating.






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