Bhagya Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Update

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Bhagya Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Update. Today in Bhagya Lakshmi’s written update, Rishi accuses Lakshmi of being willing to kidnap their child, Parvati, to take her away from him. Lakshmi denies this, standing firm that she would never resort to such actions. Neelam accuses Lakshmi of actually having kidnapped Parvati, claiming it was proven, but Lakshmi insists that this is a false accusation. Karishma and Anushka also speak against Lakshmi, but Lakshmi repeatedly defends herself, telling the judge that the Oberoi family is falsely blaming her. Shalu steps in to support Lakshmi, backing her claim.

The argument escalates as Rishi accuses Lakshmi of trying to take Parvati away from him. The judge intervenes, calming everyone down, and instructs Neelam to sit. The judge reminds both Rishi and Lakshmi that in their previous court session, they both claimed Parvati as their child, but now they are accusing each other. She points out that despite their disputes, they are being brought together by Parvati and that the child needs both parents. Because of this, the judge refuses to separate them and gives them one last chance to work things out. She rules that they must stay together for Parvati’s sake and dismisses any objections from Neelam and Karishma, making it clear her decision is final.

In a separate scene, Malishka is shown driving, and through a flashback, we see that Anushka has informed her of the judge’s decision. Malishka is furious, believing that Lakshmi is ruining her life. As she watches Rishi drive away, she collapses in tears, begging him not to leave her. Neelam arrives and tries to console Malishka, but Malishka rejects her, lashing out and blaming Neelam for promising that Lakshmi would be out of their lives. Now, with Lakshmi still present, Malishka fears losing everything. Karishma tries to calm her, but Malishka, frustrated, berates both Neelam and Karishma before driving off angrily. Neelam advises Karishma to let Malishka go, assuming she might be heading to Kiran.

Malishka, still furious, arrives at Balwinder’s place, throwing his coffee in anger. She blames him for failing to prevent Rishi and Lakshmi from being together, explaining the judge’s decision that they must stay together for Parvati. Malishka laments that everything is ruined because Balwinder didn’t act on her message. She angrily accuses him of wasting her chance to separate Rishi and Lakshmi and storms out, fearing that Lakshmi will now be with Rishi permanently.


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