YRKKH: Naira finds a solution to set things fine

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Naira learns about Manish rebuking Kartik in the business matters. She defends Kartik’s capabilities. Manish tells her that he knows Kartik’s talents and skills, but he can’t let Kartik handle the business project now. He feels Kartik’s focus is just on Naira’s dance event. He thinks to take Aryan for the project. Kartik doesn’t feel its wrong if Aryan gets a big chance. He wants to stay away from the business so that Aryan can show his caliber to the family. Naira worries for Kartik’s shocking decision. Naira decides to leave from Goenka house to give ample time to Kartik to focus on his work.

She calls up Kartik and tells him that she is at Singhania house. He turns bit upset. She wants him to focus on his work in her absence. She wishes Manish changes his mind and gives another chance to Kartik. Singhanias are happy to have Naira with them for few days. They pull her leg about Kartik.

Dadi is glad that Naira has gone away for some time. She feels they all need a break from Naira. She then worries that Naira can create problems between Naksh and Kirti. Naira wants to prove Kartik’s sincerity in his work. Manish finds Kartik turning totally blank about the business. He gets angered seeing his madness for Naira. Kartik doesn’t get into the mood to work.

Kartik meets Naira, which makes her more worried. She doesn’t meet him well. Kartik turns upset. Naira then convinces him with love. They have a romantic moment. Naira apologizes for her sudden decision. She asks him to go office and not make Manish wait for long. Aryan scolds some employees at office. Kartik teaches Aryan to respect the employees and follow work ethics. Manish asks Kartik to look into his work first. Naira starts avoiding Kartik to push his concentration towards the business.







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