Star Bharat Highlights Top 2 Today

Star Bharat Top 2 Highlights Today 23rd August 2019

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Star Bharat Top 2 Highlights Today Sufiyana Pyaar Mera Rubina asks Nadim why didn’t the police inform them about the investigations. She wants to know from Dr. Sharma about the post mortem reports. Police arrives home and denies to know about any incident about Zainab. Inspector tells them that he has come to pay condolences for Miyajaan’s death. Zaroon calls the police station and learns that Dr. Sharma hasn’t called the real police to collect the skeleton. He wonders how did this happen. He tells the family that Dr. Sharma is hiding something. He will go to the hospital and find him. Zaroon tries to find about Dr. Sharma, who is away somewhere doing the final rites of Sakshi. Zaroon learns that there is no one like Dr. Sharma, sent by Kainat’s doctor.

Zaroon tells the family that Dr. Sharma is fake. Kainat tells them that Dr. Sharma did this for a motive. Zaroon tells that Kainat would be alive and Dr. Sharma lied to them. Nadim explains him that they have seen Kainat dead. Mamoon tells him that Kainat didn’t survive, they have to accept this. Zaroon tells them that even Saltanat got saved after the huge fall. He wants to know about Dr. Sharma and his vicious intentions to trick them. Kainat also wants to know the same. Mamoon tells Nadim that they don’t know all the secret hidden in the house yet.

Dr. Sharma tells Saltanat that he has a bad memory related to Shah family. He sees Kainat’s picture and hates her. He is Sakshi’s younger brother. He wants revenge on Kainat, who killed Sakshi. He assumes Saltanat as Kainat. He wants to cure her and get her back to life, so that he can torture her. He unknowingly saves Saltanat’s life. Kainat dreams to spend romantic time with Zaroon. Her dreams break because of Zaroon’s tension. Zaroon senses Saltanat is in trouble. His behavior gets strange with Kainat, who fails to get his love even in Saltanat’s disguise.

Reviewed Rating for this particular episode: 2/5
This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your take on the show in the comment section below.

Nimki Vidhayak:

Nimki gets emotional and misses her child. She wants to share her good and bad experiences to her child. She wants her lost unborn child to be proud of her. She tells her aunt that they have got the house now and can renovate it. She wants to make a pond in the lawn. Nimki explores the house. She finds the house totally vacant. She asks the watchman why did he let Dayashankar take away all the furniture. He apologizes and asks her to apply in the office.

Mahua is angry that Dimple made fun of her. She vents anger on Nimki. Tunne tells her that she can’t be angry on Nimki for someone else’s mistake. Tunne tells her that he has worked for someone to earn money. He shows the movie tickets. He consoles Mahua. They aren’t able to forget Nimki. Meanwhile, Nimki manipulates smartly to get all the furniture back. She gets her room ready. She is happy and gets Rambachan’s wheelchair. She tells Rambachan that there isn’t anything short now. She gets a wish to get remarried, so that her life completes.

Aunt asks her to call Mahua back, so that the family completes. Nimki doesn’t want to fix old relations. She looks ahead to make new relations. She leaves for the hospital. She meets Anaro and lies to her that Babbu will come back. She asks Anaro to get fine soon, since she has to move on in life. Anaro tells Nimki that Babbu is coming to her soon. Anaro dreams of Babbu, Nimki and her. She asks Nimki never to leave her. Babbu’s lookalike Mintu Singh and Ganga Devi make a cool entry, singing and dancing. Mintu will become the perfect guy for Nimki.

Reviewed Rating for this particular episode: 4/5
This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your take on the show in the comment section below.







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