I had been delaying my post. Apologies!! Today I would like to state about our highest commenter on this website. You all might have noticed on the website and post pages. It is none other than Rainbow. I would like to thank Rainbow and our all readers for your constant support. It is the affection of you people that encourages me to write. I was to write at night, but as I came to know that people anticipate my blog, I thought to write it in morning this time.
There is a variety of shows running on Telly with diversified topics. It is taking much time to cover them. Since long I have been thinking to cover Channel V shows, but I regret of not being able to do so because of lack of time. Currently, we are covering only the hit shows which readers have high interest in. Star Plus is the leading channel right now. We have maximum posts for it. We are getting good response on our site. Thanks for believing in us, for helping us grow, for making us have a stand. I am grateful to everyone. Also, I would request all to at least acknowledge our work by leaving a comment. It takes just a minute to do that. That would make us know what the readers expect from us. So, leave a comment on your desired post!! It is time to write about other shows now, I will catch you all in my appealing circle in my next blog!!
hey hasan..gud nun yaar….come up wid sum other poll on poll breeze yar..i mean nly if possbl..its very interestng..
Thanks Discover, we will surely add a poll soon.
Thanks for acknowledging my comments. If you r planning to write on V chanel, pls follow “Confessions of an Indian Teenager”.
Thanks for your suggestions Rainbow. EBI posted, check that.