Pragya’s family – Sarla, Bulbul and all, and Suresh’s family wrongly believes that Suresh is in love with Pragya. They couldn’t understand all the efforts Suresh put in for expressing his love for Bulbul such as presenting rose and ring. Suresh is also mistaken that Bulbul has acknowledged his love though actually she didn’t. Until now, only Suresh’s friend is aware of Suresh’s confession of love for Bulbul.
Both families tries to bring them close and even Pragya feels that it is high time for Suresh to express his love for her more openly.She thinks to take the next step forward and ask directly Suresh about his love for her. The new promo shows the engagement of Pragya and Suresh with Bulbul dancing on this special day for Pragya. While Pragya and all are happy, this is not the case for Suresh who seems to be completely tensed, stressed and unhappy over his engagement with Pragya as he loves Bulbul. Will he be able to open up on the engagement day and clear the confusion ? For how long would their engaged relationship lasts (as it is constructed on a misunderstanding and fragile) only if it happens in first place, it could be for a temporary brief period..
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dont he have mouth to speak.otherwise he will not get bulbul nor pragya.btw both cute sisters deserves much better partner than suresh.
Ss.. I dnt like suresh.. He s using pragya to get closer to Bulbul. While both sisters are unaware of it