Ayesha to depict and celebrate Pankhudi’s birthday to surprise Adi in Pyaar Ka Dard Hai

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adi ayesha pyaar ka dard hai surprise birthday party




Ayesha has been adamant that she did not steal the money and stick to her words that she will prover herself innocent. Anuj calls her and shares his business problem with her, which makes her go to Sheela and admit that she has stolen the money from the locker. Sheela asks Avantika to kick Ayesha out of the house and Avantika asks Ayesha to pack her bags and leave the house without meeting and influencing Adi again. Harish asks Ayesha to go ahead and meet Adi. Ayesha meets Adi before leaving the house and he challenges her to prove herself right and not go like a coward.

Ayesha takes Rubel’s help in making Sheela change her mind, by saying Adi has named all his property and company shares on her name. Sheela stops Ayesha from going. Avantika is reluctant to kick her out knowing she has stolen the money. Anisha walks in and tells everyone that she took the money form the locker and Ayesha was taking the blame on her to save herself. Avantika is miffed as Ayesha is acting like Pankhudi. Ayesha comes to know about Pankhudi’s birthday and talks to Anisha to stay back at Diwaan Mansion. Anisha agrees as Sheela apologizes to her. Ayesha talks to her sister Nafisa and plans a surprise party for Adi on Pankhudi’s birthday.

Nafisa says she is not sure whether her family will agree. Adi comes to meet Ayesha and feels proud of her for doing so much for his family. She is happy as Adi has become her best friend and she can do anything for his happiness. She starts convincing the family about Pankhudi’s birthday party. Avantika gets angry on her for reviving Pankhudi’s memories in Adi’s heart, which may hurt him if not done properly. Adi cuts a cake being alone for Pankhudi and sings the birthday song himself, crying and being upset. Anuj comes home and tells Avantika how he has called Ayesha and made her take this step to save his family reputation. He asks Avantika to agree to Ayesha’s wish to surprise Adi and she finally nods yes. Ayesha is glad as she feels Pankhudi is her guide, with whom she takes advices and help in tough times. Will Ayesha’s efforts make Adi happy? Keep reading.

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