Precap: Devika speaks to Cheeku that he is a nice guy and even she can say yes to him for a date. Dodo speaks of joining the call center after getting frustrated in not able to send messages to Devika’s friend.
Highlight of the Episode: Cheeku continues to feel uncomfortable with Devika’s presence around him; Kimaya joins Cheeku’s college giving him a shock.
Devika pampering Cheeku and coming close to him turns out to be Cheeku’s dream which is awaken when Sid comes to take phone from him. Cheeku feels relieved that it was not real and Dodo shows Cheeku some photos and speaks that Devika is also there. Cheeku then informs that because he has an exam he cannot able to teach Devika and her friends. Sid informs Cheeku that it is his duty to teach her since she is her sister-in law. Cheeku remembers the kiss and close moments that he shared with Devika and Dodo also informs Cheeku that he has to help her in tuitions because one of her friends can become his girlfriend as well. Cheeku wonders on why is he getting such thoughts about Devika ?
Kimaya is seen with her friend and speaking that she has done all the formalities. Her friend informs that when cheeku learns about her plan he will be shocked and remembers how cheeku just shunned her and even didn’t gave any chance. On Sid end, he attends an interview and the interviewer informs Sid about the etiquette of the interview. The first question he asked Sid why should he take him > Sid replies confident, motivated, quick learner proactive and then the interviewer informs that he is good for nothing since otherwise he would have been studying at top engineering college or doing MBA. The interviewer hires Sid and informs that he will instill in him all the qualities which he currently lacks and suggests them with a taunt. Sid goes with his senior at work.
Devika is seen pampering cheeku asking him until when he will run from the truth and he speaks that this is wrong and this again turns out to be Cheeku’s dream and he is dreaming while sitting with Dodo beside him lying on the bed dreaming as well. Sid is informed about the strict rules in office, Rule 1 – mobile phone switched off, no personal calling and when Cheeku calls he is unable to take it, Rule 2 – phone calls for business use, no personal calls can come or go. Cheeku calls Sid on his office no but still he cannot attend it. Rule 3- girlfriend or boyfriend calls doesn’t come as well. At the same time. Devika calls him and he informs her that on office lines personal calls are not allowed. His senior informs that Sid is the first one in the office who break 3 rules on the first day and his 90 % salary is cut.
Cheeku speaks of not worrying about Sid and wants to say to Devika that he can’t teach her. Cheeku gives tuition to Devika and she informs that the first time in her life she is loving economics and then gives him a gift which is a perfume. He accepts it and asks her why is that needed. She informs that he deserves it and suggests that they will spend more time from now on. He ponders where Devika is going and wishes to God to teach her the right path. She then speaks that why all boys are not like him – trustful like him and he is ideal boyfriend material and suggests that he deserves the best girl from the college. Dodo and Gattu comes there and knows that Cheeku has got a perfume and Dodo and Gattu becomes jealous on seeing his gift. Soon, Sid comes and Devika hugs him and asks him how was his first day ? He replies night and not day and feels stressed. He informs that her bosses are not good and she informs him to take rest and not go to college. He tells Cheeku to drop Devika at the college with him on his bike. Sid falls asleep.
Devika sits with Cheeku on his bike and he ponders whats happening and promises that the promises that the ride will be last and wants to run away from her. Cheeku does the first bump because of his nervousness. Cheeku and Devika comes to the college and she thanks him for dropping her at the college. She then informs on meeting during the afternoon since she has a lecture free but he suggests on having an exam. Dodo and Gattu comes there but lets Cheeku go from there. Gattu speaks that there is a spicy gossip which she even can’t imagine and asks her whether she knows who has taken admission in college.
Cheeku sees Kimaya coming in his class and becomes shocked. He ponders what is this and God is taking revenge with him that all those are dreams. When he opens his eyes finds Kimaya sitting beside him and she smiles looking at him. She greets him and speaks on changing her subjects and her combination which she wanted to use but it was not their in her college so she joined here. She informs him on wanting to say about her admission in his college but he didn’t her chance. She then speaks that after 2 days his exams is there and then wishes him the best. She then tells him some things can’t be forgotten in life Aditya. He also informs her that on the same day also is her birthday. She informs that even he didn’t forgot her birthday. Cheeku speaks to himself on moving on and leaves from there. Cheeku’s teacher wants him to prepare well and focus on the exam and also cites that the college have lot of hopes from him. Cheeku replies on keeping his focus while seeing Kimaya there.
Next Episode: Sid is sleeping on the sofa at the photo studio where he works and gets scolding from the senior photographer. Kimaya is seen with Armaan at the college cafteria and Cheeku is seen with Devika. Devika’s drink by mistake fall down as Cheeku’s hand touched it and all the drink pours on her dress. Cheeku changes his gear and bursts out in laughter when she tells him that it will take one year for him if he tries to clean it with tissues. Though there was no need to laugh but cheeku does intentionally.
Sneak Peek: YJTRRR – 29th August 2014
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