Ek Veer Ki Ardaas – Veera ( A brother’s prayer –Veera), as the name suggests has the main tracks on two protagonists, Ranvi and Veera. The show have many parallel tracks and showcased two love stories – Ranvi and Gunjan, Veera and Baldev and has scope for Nihaal and Ratan’s love track now. The show has been doing good on the channel, as Veera and Baldev have confessed their love to each other, and even Ranvi is in the league of becoming a singing sensation soon.
We got some twitter responds on this topic, where few say about Ranvi and Gunjan’s track to be highlighted, and Veera, Baldev and others being shown the side door. We dedicate this post to the fans of Veera and want to clear few things out. The concept and equation between the tracks have to be understood. Story has to be new every day and tracks keep on changing to bring new twists in the show.
1. Its nothing like the makers giving much scope to Ranvi-Gunjan, as they are also leads, and Veera-Baldev are shown equally. Its as per the situation of the current day demands in the show. As Ranvi has gone for the singing contest, its clear that all rounds have to be shown, and Anmol’s rivalry and Ranvi’s hanging on the terrace is justified. Such drama is required by the show to catch TRPs. Baldev and Veera’s track was also exaggerating at the time of their love realization and Baldev and Veera’s scenes were overloaded, sidelining Ranvi and Gunjan.
2. Its true that Baldev’s scene of informing Veera’s family about her accident was cut off. The makers should have shown their shocked reactions at home, and Nihaal helping Ratan and Chaiji to bring them to hospital. But all of the sudden, they popped up at the hospital and soon Veera was taken in OT by asking Ratan to promise she won’t tell anything to Ranvi.
3. The other fact is Baldev and Veera’s romantic date in the fields at night. That was shown evidently, as their romance is still on. The makers have to collaborate all leads in a allotted time, and no issues should crop up if the four leads get less time in few episodes.
4. The hospital scene dragged as we witnessed Ratan, Nihaal and Baldev sitting in the ICU beside Veera and discussing. How are they made to be in ICU and discuss the pros and cons of Veera’s state. Maybe this scene was added to give space to four of them, as their fans always wanted to see them. Many more such scenes will come when Ratan and Nihaal will be shown getting along, and Veera and Baldev’s love soaring high. So cheer up guys.
5. About Poland trip, Baldev and Veera’s track was given much space, and Pind scenes were focused on Chanchali. Baldev and Veera’s tasks took many mins per episode and even Veera finding Nihaal’s identity was shown well. Also, Nihaal is justified when he got back to Pind and his scene when he was asked to stop was shown in a good way. Veera and Baldev’s love confessions in Pind got much screen space, when they she tried to admit hr feelings, and kept on failing. Their dates were also shown well, and some little fights and arguments. Nihaal’s entry in Pind also raised the TRPs as the track was well shaped, and Nihaal, Veera and Baldev were given more priority than Ranvi and Gunjan.
6. Right now, Nihaal and Ratan are shown as supporting Veera and Baldev’s love and waiting for the final nod from Ranvi. Nihaal is shown less right now, as the elders is getting a laid back. Chaiji is still shown as she is worried for Veera’s love and the fate of her relation with Baldev.
7. Ranvi and Gunjan’s scenes are put in the show as per the show requirement, as if a lead couple is sent to Mumbai, the scenes have to be of Mumbai Darshan, get up change, new prospective. The makers can’t run up on those scenes.
8. Veera’s track is again on the line, as she will breaking the truth to Ranvi about Baldev, and convince him to accept Baldev. Even the on screen presence will be shown more, as Bansuri and Ratan will be shown to agree and end all their previous nuances. Nihaal too will play a vital role in convincing Bansuri, as she agrees to him.
9. Veera and Baldev’s marriage will be making them in limelight and their fans can have a sigh of relief. Ranvi and Gunjan’s Mumbai track is still on and after he wins the Junoon 2014 competition, we have to see whether he shifts back to Pind and keep visiting Mumbai for signing assignments, or just stay with Gunjan in Mumbai, His track will be equally important, as a new girl will be entering his life, who will make Gunjan jealous.
10. Ratan and Nihaal are going the tortoise pace and only Veera can notice their bonding and unite them, once the makers get a hold on this track. It will definitely work, as Ratan and Nihaal’s bond was the one which took the show high when the kids were small.
Guys, we just want to clear this out that the show Veera is not hurting anyone’s sentiments, its just that bilateral tracks sometimes gets unequal and then cover up soon. It happens in almost every show these days and examples are many, like take IPKKND2, Shlok and Astha’s scenes got less as track shifted more to Niranjan, and also Varad and Mansi’s affair, and also dragged Jyoti-Abhay-Sid’s story. So guys, one can’t say the makers are fooling us for petty thing. Even IPKKND2 fans can raise this issue as the show got Kalindi’s long lost son Ankush and is spending more mins on him. This is just to clarify that this thing happens in every show, and there should not be anything harsh on the makers, when they shift the track to Ranvi and Gunjan. The show has got four leads, Ranvi, Gunjan, Veera and Baldev. We feel Veera is stable in justification and the 2min Baldev and 10min Gunjan fight is not to be made a big issue.
We hope the makers read this post and also take into effect from next time not to hurt anyone’s sentiments, and do as the fans want. We urge the makers to show Veera and Baldev’s romance more. TellyReviews feels this post might not go well with the fans who made the partiality complaint, but things have to be set right and what’s true is stated above in the 10 points. So don’t feel TR misjudged VeeBa’s fans. Its see-saw balance between parallel tracks and if one is overweight, then have to wait for other to balance. We did not count min-by-min scenes, but have a knowledge of this show. So guys just chill, and don’t count minutes, else the fun will be ruined. All actors are given equal fair space, and if the few actors and their fans feel they are sidelined, fans need not worry, as makers will definitely sort issues with them. We love the cast of the show, and they are doing a lovely job. The show is running since 29 October 2012, and it has great potential that Star Plus is not shutting it. So guys, just respect the show and keep watching. Keep TellyReviewing.
The effective main cast of Veera:
Digangana Suryavanshi as Veera Sampooran Singh
Shivin Narang as Ranvijay Sampooran Singh
Vishal Vashishtha as Baldev Balwant Singh
Farnaz Shetty as Gunjan Ranvijay Singh
Kapil Nirmal as Nihal Singh
Sneha Wagh as Ratanjeet Sampooran Singh
Shagufta Ali as Moti Chaiji
Yajuvendra Singh as Balwant Singh
Vishavpreet Kaur as Bansuri Balwant Singh
Note: The writer of this post, Amena Hasan works at DTB/TU and is writing updates for Veera since few months. She has been seeing the show since long and the points above are justified. No offense to anyone.
Twitterati speaking about VeeBa and Veera:
@TellyReviews1 @DiganganaSclub yes we really want the creatives to understand us all we want is that all actors should get fair screenspace
— Reena Kaur (@veeba_hyper) September 18, 2014
@TellyReviews1 Please please write an article . Actors like @DiganganaS , @v_vishal13 , @kapsnir and @the_sneha are all being USED! CRAP!
— Mansi 🥀 (@SerialskiDiwani) September 18, 2014
@tellyreviews1 Check the partiality of Beyonddreams in Veera.Plz write an article to give good actors their due 🙁 https://t.co/DefP6foNy3
— ST (@Lady_Bheem) September 18, 2014
@TellyReviews1 @DiganganaSclub plx do there r many tweets and look at this pic.twitter.com/b5YI22Pa5p
— Sonu (@H_Gold307) September 18, 2014
No Comments
Just loved this balanced post. Many thanks to Amena for wonderful insight. Great work on this post. Hats off Amena and thanks Tellyreviews. Everything is true here.
Thanks a lot for a balanced view.. it was really sad to see how the makers were hounded and an actress was being defamed by a section of an overzealous fandom without getting their facts right. Thank you. Hoping to see good and interesting plots in the coming days.
Fandoms may have their genuine reasons and we respect that. What we wrote here is our honest opinion which can of course differ with people !!
Fandom POV must be respected and looked into definitely .. but the fandoms too have an onus to be at the least civil to makers and actors… accusing and abusing them will not get them anywhere.. in fact even valid points in their argument will be lost in all the din.. hope whatever reasons they have are put forward in a constructive way so makers can also address their issues.
partiality at its pick..w*f
wow what a post itni mehnat hi kyun ki likhne ki jab bhajan hi gana tha
I am thankful for this article and I’m really glad you took IPKKND2 as an example because it’s true that we have been getting only 2 min scenes of Ashlok and more focus on other actors. But even then you do not see the fandom insulting other actors and insulting the makers just because of that. I think they have a more mature fandom that understand that there are a lot of stories to be told and it is normal that sometimes the focus will shift to other couples/stories for a while.
Other than that, if any of the actors themselves felt like they were not being treated well and not given enough screentime, they most certainly would have done something about it. They probably would have actually complained about it themselves. And you know what, none of them ever did! They also all seem to get along really well with no jealousy between them…so that says a lot.
I personnaly think that a small part of the Veeba fandom is creating an issue here, where actors themselves do not even think it necessary…
I like this post despite reading comments above. The people criticizing the writer are wrong. Such people are useless who can’t do anything in life and just hang on time passing to taunt others. Such people are crap in my view, not this post. It is well balanced and true to every word. It is right in iss pyaar show. The writer is right as every show has many tracks, so will every show fans start crying and pass complaints of partiality. This is too much, new system of complaints started by such fellows, totally stupid of them to say bhajan to this wonderful post. Such fellows don’t know difference between truth and lies and good to say bhajan as its also pure and true. I favor this post as I like it by heart. thanks a ton to this site and writer, amazing work, good points. well done guys.
what the hell!! samajh kya rakha hai fans ko?? damn RG to deepest corner of hell..look who’s talking about being fair?? This show is nothing without VeeBa and fans who are crazy for them…take my words for it!!
What the hell !!! What you mean ??? We have to wait more? Aur kitna time ??? Humara time fazool he kia Jo hum in fuzool logon pe zaya Karen Bhout time wait kar liya he hum ne … had hoti he kisi cheez ki …. if ranvi building se neeche gir raha he tou ye 5 mins tak tou uss Ka latakna dikhaengen ! Kia ye 5 mins Ka Veeba scene nhi de sakhte ??? Aesa lag raha he ke ye story kisi pond mein rehne walon ki nhi he bulke Mumbai mein singer kesse bante hain , kitni mushkilen ati hain , log kesse hote hain … ye dekha rahe hain ap log ???? :/ -_- …. WE WANT VEEBQ TRACK !!!!!
excuse me,i think you have misunderstood the complaint,We are not demanding for veeba romantic scenes we are demanding for a VeeBa track where they will be the centre,all tracks up untill now revolved around ranjan and gunjan except for the sarpanch track and poland and both these tracks lasted for not more than 2 weeks and even then we had atleast 5 to 10 minutes of ranjan and gunjan in every freaking episode!!! Every thing revolving around gunjan and ranjan have so much of build up and detailing where as for four freaking episodes prior to poland baldev just disappeared and miraculously appeared on the plane just before it took off!!! What the fuck?!?! They were going to poland; which requires a shenagon visa which is the hardest to obtain not to local fish market,grrr! And for those who want to argue on this,i have a degree and a cerficate from IATA canada on travel and tourism/ air travel studies i we completely understand that this is ranveera’s story but almost all tracks have been related to gunjan and ranjan,doesn’t veera have a life? The cvs can also show the ranveera bond in a VeeBa track right,why should it always be shown revolving around a gunjan/ranjan/ranvi based track?!?!?! We are taking about the obvious partiality here! For how long do we have to endure this torture before the cvs give us a veeba centric track ‘which cud also show the ranveera bond’ ( for those of u who might misunderstand ), Like really for how long? And as for the producers,i dont give a damn, Making money by cheating us with cheap trp stunts!! Grrr!!
dear your words, “2min Baldev and 10min Gunjan fight is not to be made a big issue.” clearly shows whose side you are on and how unbiased you are lol,this is the EXACTLY the partiality we are talking about and you want us to oversee it??? u are simply trying to sugercoat the ugly truth with your sweet manipulative words!PS i have done a diploma in Phsycology too
i hope this serial helps people in similar situations
we realy wana Vishana again onscreen coule plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make