Manik – Mr. Reluctant and Nandini – Miss. Optimistic are coming closer with the fusion concert participation and Holi celebrations round the corner while having some friction. Manik’s take is on not knowing about true love and calls it as an illusion butĀ Nandini tries to inform himĀ in her own way. However, Manik is not impressed and continues to show his somewhat rude behavior and is reluctant to show love & feelings but showsĀ care for her. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu’s serious health condition – last stage cancer comes to the fore with Nandini’s efforts. Manik & Fab 5 consolidate Abhimanyu at the hospital but the one who is most distressed is Mukti since she doesn’t want to let go of her love this time. She is even not scared of death and wants to keep trying until the final moment. Abhimanyu lost hopes of his survival and feels time is not on his side and whether he wins in getting back to healthy life in the same way he won Mukti’s love has to be seen. Coming to Dhruv and Aaliya tipsy-topsy relationship, she is making sincere efforts to remove all the doubts from Dhruv’s mind about her love for him and their relationship. Now, Dhruv has to understand it by opening his eyes and developing a healthy perspective and most importantly to have believe.
Next, Holi celebrations come and Manik prepares to make sure that Nandini attends it without fail and plans it well since even Cabir got a RJ job and have began his work at the studio. Holi festivitiesĀ also give Fab 5 an opportunity to bond and shareĀ nice time together. Under that setting, there is bound to have some friction between Manik and Nandini. It has to be seen how the rekindling of their relationship takes place (or not) since a new hope was born a while back withĀ his growing concerns.Ā Nandini’s proximity to her music teacher Pandit ji makes Manik jealous leading to hisĀ concerns pouringĀ out. Pandit ji is impressed with Manik’s talent in playing guitar but Manik nevertheless hates him. Cabir & Fab 5 have witnessed that Manik is unable to stay far from Nandini. On other hand, Manik sticks to Nandini since he knows of not able to live with her as he still hasĀ the pain & her mistrust hits him but also cannot live without her. So, his feelings for Nandini is still active but carries reluctance.
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