Titu and Panchi get to know about the Kavi Sammelan Round 2 being held in the remand home. Titu tries to help Gulgule and pass the poetry to him, but Mukund and Rajni fail his attempt. Rajni makes the water fall on the poetry papers and Titu gets worried for Gulgule. Titu tries to pass the poetry to Gulgule by singing and dancing on the stage. Panchi dances along him and expresses her love to Titu. Golu and Cheeni also dance with him. Titu wins everyone’s heart in the Kavi Sammelan.
The upcoming twist in the show will be proving Titu’s talent to everyone, when Rajni catches him red handed while helping Gulgule. Titu gets the offer to compete with the best poets and win the prize money. Gulgule is making Titu work hard and does not have any intentions to pay him money for freeing Panchi off jail. Gulgule is cheating Titu and wants to use his talent in his favor. Will Titu accept to showcase his talent and show the fair way to Gulgule? Keep reading.
* Wishing Sonia Balani, portraying Panchi a quick and full health recovery from her injury sustained due to a car accident last Sunday.