Vaishaili tries covering up the stick by Ehsaan and makes Panchi fall. Surekha hands over the stick to Panchi to use it for support. Panchi tells Surekha that Titu has changed a lot, and his fun loving nature is gone. She gets worried as Titu is becoming more workaholic and not enjoying life as before. Surekha asks her to spend time with Titu. Panchi does not know Titu’s real talent of writing great poetry and Gulgule’s blame on Titu of stealing money. Panchi will soon be knowing Titu’s talent and his choice of work, which will make her encourage Titu to pursue the work of his choice. Golu and Cheeni’s haldi ritual goes on at Surekha Sadan and Titu and Panchi come close. They have unique romance again and Titu makes haldi fall on Panchi accidentally. He then applies the haldi to her by love. Keshav gets angry seeing Govind favor Titu more than him.
Keshav finds loss of trust by Govind as the latter gives the safe keys to Titu instead of Keshav. Rekha gets annoyed to see Govind sponsoring Golu’s marriage and worries for her son’s share in the business. Titu got hard working and took control of the shop in his hand. Keshav starts feeling as an outsider at home and Bhagwati worries seeing the differences occurring. Rekha gets angry seeing Titu’s control over the house and Surekha and Govind showering love on him again. Will Keshav and Mukund plan anything against Titu again? Keep reading.
Titu Says, wives and police have many similarities in his usual signature style.
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