Sarojini inches closer towards a bond with Somendra; Tussle between her & Dushyant got started

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Somendra & Sarojini get introduced to each other though their first meeting didn’t go on well, and even Somendra throwing challenge at her – to make her fall in love with him. Somendra turns up at the school where Sarojini just started working as a teacher, in the role of a school boy. He keeps inclination to mend their fight. Meanwhile, Sarojini meets Dushyant – Somendra’s dad and confronts him since his son turned up at the school as a class student, which is very odd and inappropriate. Moreover, she hits out at him for Somendra’s upbringing, and isn’t aware of his chauvinistic attitude and indifference.

So, the tussle in thinking and attitude between Sarojini and Dushyant has just got started, and going to be unfolded further in time to come when she comes to his home as the daughter-in law. Later on, since Somendra feels lost in Sarojini’s eyes so he decides to take her to the coffee shop. He convinces her to come on the date and she agrees after thinking he is good at heart. He tries to impress her and drinks hot coffee. She gets worried seeing him and makes him drink water. She pays the coffee bill and takes him. Somendra buys the coffee cup by giving much amount, as the mug has Sarojini’s lipstick marks. He says his love can’t have any price, and throws the money bundle. He fools the man by giving him fake notes, and is clever just like his dad Dushyant. So, Sarojini inches towards a bond of friendship with Somendra, and it has to be seen how it translates into feeling of love.

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