Manmarzian’s abrupt ending news, leaves fans wanting more…

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Radhika is trying to prove Nandini’s truth to Arjun, while Sam is still in love with Arjun. Sam decides to take revenge from Radhika and win Arjun back, as she does not know Arjun’s intentions of revenge. Radhika is limiting Arjun from reaching Sam. Nandini starts threatening Radhika about hurting Mala. Arjun has clean image of Nandini, whereas he feels Nandini is the victim. Radhika will be showing Nandini’s new image of a crime planner to him.

As the news about Manmarzian’s ending is coming to forefront in recent days, the ardent fans and viewers do not wish Manmarzian to end so soon since the first episode telecast was on 13th April 2015. The news of its closure is floating in mainstream media (TOI), and also by the writers of the show. But for us, we can say that the show still has many aspects to be covered and one of them is the four leads getting more depth and screen time to be explored. Arjun has much wittiness in him when he joined birdsong, and he looked surpassing Neil in his cool attitude. On the other hand, Neil did not get much scenes than shedding tears for his best friend Sam. Neil’s character had much potential, though he got sidelined after the initial period. Neil and Sam’s friendly bond is a highlight of the show, along with Radhika and Arjun’s silent love chemistry. The show is a ‘head turner’ for Star Plus, as its unique from the regular family drama. The show got underrated and has much more to be seen. Arjun and Radhika’s love confessions and successful marriage is still to be seen. Sam needs to get clear of her misunderstandings about Radhika, who is her savior. Neil would be looking good in his old good fun loving form sharing his life with Sam.

For us, we believe that Manmarzian has a strong concept and the very first promos dwell firstly on how the unconventional desires of heart define your personality, friendships, societal behavior, and life; and secondly on women empowerment. Moreover, the show has a stellar cast. It is a fact that sometimes even a good product or show couldn’t manage to get attention or decent viewership. In that case if the makers, creatives and channel provide a reasonale extension say by some months instead of abrupt and early closure then such a development stands out and would be appreciated by show’s fans and viewers alike.

* Note: Manmarzian fans have set-up an online petition to save the show from closure.

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41 responses to “Manmarzian’s abrupt ending news, leaves fans wanting more…”

  1. Kajol Avatar

    We r deeply shock..
    We r totaly wordless..
    Mmz best star
    plus nt attention
    retelecast no prmtn..
    So dsctng..we hate sp
    and after 29 agust we
    leave star plus forever ..

  2. Tisha Avatar

    We love DYM
    bt sp ignore our wish they
    kill our heart gd bye plus

  3. Dhruv Avatar

    Manmarzian turn high
    if star plus justic with
    mmz bt they r avoid mmz..
    They were thrash dusbine
    our mmz and now they
    say mmz funy.
    Sp low uska ak tarfa
    thinking low..we r lost
    our i feeling i
    lost myself ..hate u sp

  4. Shruthi balakrishnan Avatar
    Shruthi balakrishnan

    Its too bad of star plus… they did not show any concern towards manmarzian if it had been telecaster in any other channel it would have become a big hit… It’s useless of star plus.. more than 1500 if us signed the petition to save manmarzian but star plus did not want to continue this show they have decided about it and they are saying that .. only for some we cannot change the decision .. we can go to any extent to save manmarzian only if star plus takes some re consideration about this …if they are not interested then a waste of time for us

  5. Meenakshi S Rao Avatar

    I am surprised how they will be anle to close the chapter of Manmarzia so soon with out completing the story . Is it like a teacher teaching a child without giving notes ? Is it for the viewers and fan followers to complete the story , sitting at home ? What is the future of the new faces like Monica Sehgal ? Do you have any other options ? How will you complete the story within a short notice ? This is sheer nonsense ! Taking all these considerations in mind if they continue the serial for another your decision would be honoured by a common man and all the youngsters here. Even a court judgement is not given hastily like this . I request taking all these points in to consideration , think on this issue as a special case . Thanking You. Meenakshi .S. Rao

  6. Lia Alam Avatar
    Lia Alam

    I don’t know what happened in Indian television and Star Plus so they have to cut off the interesting show like Manmarziyan, to be honest I never interested to watch any kind of hindi series with their typical storie about house holds problems..I don’t care at all, but Manmarziyan is very different compared to those series, they bring us something new, fresh and full of twists, the actors are so fabalous doing their role, Aham, Kasmira, Shravan and Monica are very talented and waesome young people, they light up the scene with their superb talent..but I feel they’re so wasted, they don’t have a chance to shine more due to the ending of this show…I feel bad for them..

  7. Nithya Krishnan Avatar

    Please don’t end this show .. We hate star plus from here on.. First time a show like manmarzian has proved something distinct from saas and bahu typical serials !!! Please hear our PRAYS and extend this show!!! Humble request!!!

  8. monalisa mohanty Avatar
    monalisa mohanty

    Plz..plz..extend the show..plz dont cut it off..realy the show has a strong concept of frndsip,love,sacrifes n woman empowerment..plz manage time by reducing the show mere angan me frm 1hr to 1/2hr.plz do promotion 4 it.plz support it..plz..repeats it more.plz give it a 2nd chance 2 grow..plz..dont b rude..plz..

  9. chashni Avatar

    Plz don`t end this show…we love DYM..manmarziya is the best serial. Show has strong concept of friendship. Plz give it a second chance.. plz change the timing but plz don`t end the show.plz plz plz plz give it a second chance plzz

  10. Srividhya Avatar

    PlSorry Don end the show. The characters r so good. It is one of the very good shows of star plus. It has so much left to be said

  11. Basu Avatar

    Very right they (Star Plus) indeed need a tight slap, I have never seen such adamant fools in my life. The petition to save the monsoon session of the parliament took time but i was amazed at the speed of the petitions to save MMz. The comments posted are also so much encouraging and requesting in nature, I am amazed by the fact that all these attempts are meaningless for a hopeless channel like star plus.Keep it up!
    So for me after 29th August 2015 Star Plus Rest in Peace!

  12. anuradha Avatar

    Actually we all are very surprised how can sp shut manmarjiya so earlier
    There are much story are left to show we are equally excited to watch that instead of other shows

    If I said frankly so I don’t want to end of this show and don’t want to lose ardhika they are favourite couple on tv

  13. Fatema Reza Shifa Avatar
    Fatema Reza Shifa

    i still dnt undrstnd whtz the judgemnt of TRP!!! why star plus is doing this tooo us….. y it is not giving a chance …. inspite of taking initiatives star plus has decided to end it.. thatz soo reiculous…. star plus didnt telecst new promos… didnt chnge the tym slot…. i hate star plus….. on 29th August it will be my lst day to wtch star plus… i will not wtch this bakwas chanel ever in my life….. never ever…… plz.. dont do this.. it hurts the fans a loooooooot.. u cnt imagne…. we love #Manmarzian #Ardhika #Aham #Monica…. #Ardhika looks soo adorable… plz gve a chnce,…. dnt do ths… plz plz plz…

  14. Basu Avatar

    Hey Star Plus ( i think it has to be Star Minus) look at the bashing on your official facebook page, twitter, petition to save manmarziyan, other websites, feeling so sorry for you guys this is nothing, the best part is when all we manmarziyan fans stop watching your shows after 29th August, then har mard ka dard will become Star plus ka dard.

    Still there is time rebounce your decision of taking off manmarziyan serial just give it a new slot and promote it a little and then see all of us promise to support your channel. The ball is in your court now!

  15. chinmay Avatar

    @star plus how you can such rude you don’t see that all of your fans want to do not off air dosti yaariyaan manmarziyaan that is the best show ever on star plus and so much popular on youth you give second chance to the show you never promote or repeat the show how can you want trp. in ipetition there are approx 1700 sign by fans and it goes many more contionusly if you off air the show these fans have lose faith on star plus and millions of people stop watch the star plus this the very humbel request to all of fans of manmarziyaan and star plus please never off air the show and change the time to 5:30 or 6:00 and show mere agnes mein only half hour like any other show plz plz listen the voice of millions people who faith on star plus . thank you!

  16. Irina Rozkova Avatar

    I don’t understand! why India is a progressive country, which is among the top three in the world producing shows and cinema movies and TV series! which ranks first in the number of universities, and therefore one of the leading places in the world to produce ready professionals! Country of great people, politicians, actors, poets and philosophers and good and kind people. In the eyes of wisdom and history, who would rather millions of people all over the world! and there are such callous manufacturers…((( why are so many people, ordinary spectators, and participants of the project, and the creators have come together to ask you not to close the project, which has won and continues to win the hearts of many in the world! great actors continue to give us all a gift, the entire team works without a hitch, despite the difficulties. We can’t all be heard in our call to extend the fun of watching our dear beloved heroes, at least for a while! Hear us, love us just as we are, and You respect us we respect your decision! Will tolerate this rapid loss is impossible. Thank you and sorry if you hear our mental anguish of our dear and beloved show Manmarziyan…

  17. Mahija Avatar

    Shame on you Star Plus, I’m from Tanzania and instead of getting late and tired at home everyday, I always make sure I don’t miss to watch Manmaziyan bse it’s the best show among all that’s showing on your channel so far, as I don’t care if I miss the rest of the show but this one been really my favourite now, and now you are ending end and not concerning about your viewers really! So many unfinished stories, Neil been shedding tears only for Sam without her realizing how much is loved, Arjun with his silent love, and seriousness look without his expression love to Radhika, so as Radhika falling to Sir Arjun, anyway Byeeeeee star plus

  18. Meenakshi S Rao Avatar

    YES, after I saw yesterdays episode I was in tears thinking of staying away from Manmarziyan and the actors . Its like losing somebody from our family forever , the feeling of not seeing that person again . If there was a problem in funding the serial , like a petition to Star plus , we would have collected the funds from the fan followers . The Star Plus , the richest channel depriving us from watching this is unjustice caused to a common man .They should have given at least one month extention to keep this show on Air ….I only request some positive decision is taken .Thanking You , M S Rao…

  19. Maasha Avatar

    Hi starplus, pls reconsider ur decision, am a south indian…… still am watching star plus only becoz of manmarziyaan………… pls dont end this show……… such a fresh concept and cast………………… Massive no of youths loving this show………. just review all our star plus complaints………. everything is about not to end manmarziyaan…………………… Its my humble. request on behalf of all our south indian fans………. pls dont end this show…………… really i cant endure this news………………. If you end this show……….. def i ll quit watching star plus……………. just give Manmarziyaan team a fair chance by changing time slot………………. Plsssssssssssssssssssss

  20. allenkumar Avatar

    pls don’t end this show.I am also a south indian, my clge students r also like this show.plsssssssssssssssssss…………………………………………..don’t end this show.

  21. Basu Avatar

    This is the post of Latha Swamy on Manmarziyan Facebook Page, feelings of a true fan;

    Starplus, My promise to you – you will lose one paying customer if you end Manmarziyan this month end. Actually, i will take off all the Indian programming from my dish. I don’t think you or any other Indian channels are worth the top dollar i am paying you! Let Manmarziyan run as it started out to be – contemporary, diverse, real life, fun and positive – where a cop is your average working man, a dark man on a cycle in a lonely stretch of road is like most dads, a single mom – well adjusted and sane is the mother of one of the lead guys and a clear headed & ethical business woman as mom of one of the lead girls! Really cool stuff! Many of us have been throwing up at the putrid offerings that passes off as shows on your channel where old men and women are actually villains in their own families, daily events in people’s lives seems to be a steady dose of bizarre and heinous crimes (goes unpunished too!) and worst, is the dismal objectification of women! Yes, I did watch few episodes of Tere Sheher Mein, Mere Angne Mein, Suhani Si Ek Ladkhi … Reinvent your image and value .. Allow Manmarziyan to run as it should – we would like to see a desi version of American TV serial Friends or Office .. It has the potential to be a long running entertainer because of the many different support characters – we would like to follow those people and see what shenanigans they can get into, too .. Yes, we do love the lead 4 characters and their chemistry!. Win our huge support by canceling your decision to take off air Manmarziyan!

    Please star plus hear our pleas!

  22. Maasha Avatar

    Dear star plus..
    We all are posting not to end Manmarziyaan. Pls reconsider ur decision and review all our complaints and support for Manmarziyaan. Its really unfair, Without giving proper promotion. how could you end up a viewers loving show…….. Pls dont do this………….. If you end up this show……….thats ll be last day of watching Star plus and remove SP from the channel list. If you are not ready to drop out this plan of ending Manmarziyaan, do one thing………. Change ur tagline……. RISHTA WAHI SOCH NAHI…… becoz u r not deserving to hold this and does not suit u as well………………. better keep it as SAAS AUR BAHU KA CHANNEL………………… Generally complaints board are used to review customer complaints bt u r not doing this also………. So no use of posting in this complaints board……………… here its my last request against MANMARZIYAAN……….. Pls dont stop it……………. just take all our requests into consideration……………….

  23. Ardhika Avatar

    Pls dont end manmarziyaan…… am completely addict to that serial. OMG how could you end up such a nice serial which possess fresh story, cast and crew. Meantime pls increase the times of retelecasting. Give a fair chance to them. Plssssss review all our complaints, most of them are about manmarziyaan only……… pls dont end it. I am not able to see that serial as am n hostel . Eventhough i used to watch through online. so plsssssssssssssssssssssss dont end it. Just a give another chance to them by changing time slot. Instead of that, pls end up Tere aagne meIn. Sucha a worst serial i have ever seen. Pls dont end manmarziyaan………………… SP pls review all our comments about manmarziyaan. I hope u ll do and drop out the thought of ending manmarziyaan……………….. plsssssssssss do this as favour for all our viewers. am damn sure u ll get better TRP if you change the time slot as well as the no of retelecasting.PLSSSSSSSSSSSS give better promotion to this serial. Comparitive to all other channels… SP is putting less promos for gud shows and more for bakwass serials. Its my humble request……………………….. DONT END MANMARZIYAAN…………… CHANGE THE TIME SLOT AS WELL AS INCREASE RETELECASTING…………….. PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SP………….

  24. bobyk Avatar

    Plz plz plz don’t end Manmarziyan it is a very nice show with such a nice and wonderful and different concept related to the life of indian girls facing similar problems it has low trp only bcz of its time slot you should try to end your meaning less saas bahu shows like dabh ssel yrkkh and give Manmarziyan their time slot but you are ending Manmarziyan why?? you must have to give Manmarziyan some time and a good time slot and if you will end Manmarziyan then you will definitely have to face many difficulties created by the youths by so many sites so if you want to be safe then save Manmarziyan

  25. Ardhika Avatar

    Hey Guys there is a new poll for the Best Serial Of Star Plus? on the facebook page of TRP of Indian Serials please, all of you log into your facebook accounts and vote for Manmarziyan immediately.
    The link of the website is posted as

  26. jamshi Avatar

    Starplus ths is not fear…see dym was one of my fav nd ur going to end tht arre woh toh ahi abhi shuru kiya and whn it came to intrstng ur going to end tht plzzz I need to see ardhika and neisam scenes plzzzz

  27. Priyanka, shilpa Avatar
    Priyanka, shilpa

    Star plus plz plz dont end the show DYM if show is telecasting at late ni8 we watch but suddendly this decision of endinv the show makes us feel sad and cry new face monica is doing very very well if this show will end thn hw can they all prove as a actor very very sad news plz once again we all re pleasing plz dont end th show star pluss

  28. Akanksha Avatar

    We want to see more episodes of manmarjiya .it should not end .

  29. RIMSHA HASHMI Avatar

    yup its a speciall request but if u dont it show ur folly how big fools u r i think sp dont want this show as its tellecast timminn is too late and no repeat tellecast so how could u blame us for low rating we r trying but u all r stupids

  30. abadha husnain Avatar
    abadha husnain

    dym is one of my most fov drama …..i need to see the the story of ardhika nd neisam……the show has strong concept of frndship plz plz plz dont end the show starplus it should not end

  31. TvViewer Avatar

    It’s one of the best shows aired so far and there is so much life in all the characters on the show. Each of them are so talented and the show would surely win more hearts if there was repeat telecast and change in timings. The shows like Saathiya were repeated numerous times and believe me, the show has lost it charm and relation with the title. Get the best serials back on tv

  32. Nivu Avatar

    I love this show very much. The cast of the show is amazing. am south indian.plz plz plz its my humple request dont end this show .

  33. ardhika Avatar

    Why this show is ending very fastly? I dont know why sp is doing to us . They always gives importance to saas bahu serial. I think sp is not interested to continue this show. bcz of this thier is no retelecast for this show . This is a big cheating to us . I started to see this serial from june. still i like this show. bcz the cast in the show are very talented. Aham sharma is an amazing actor in this show.Then how can they end the show. plz ………….plz………..plz sp dont end this show. plz continue this show till october.

  34. Ardhika Avatar

    Please dont end Marmariyan. It really unfair. I am a biggggggggggg fan of Manmarziyan. The best show on Indian televison till date. Best star cast, best concept, best story what else you need.

  35. Anushka Avatar

    plz plz dont end the show mmz. I am a huge fan of this show. why sp is thinking about trp.There is no use for trp. There are many fans for this show. I know that trp is more for saas bahu serial. mmz is a youth based serial casting aham sharma, monica, kashmira and shravan .so fans of the serial also must be youth. And most important thing in the show is friendship .ardhika romance also too good.why are neglecting our response ?please answer to us .it is agood show so plz…………………………………………..plz…………………sp dont end this show

  36. vanshika Avatar

    Plz don’t stop this serial manmarziya.this show is very nice &my favorite show .nd radhika nd arjun super actors plz don’t chenge time .star plus ur problm is low trp &stop this.plz don’t stop plzz plz plzplz plz

  37. arshians Avatar

    plz …………..plz……………………………bring back mmz…………..

    1. arshians Avatar

      plz …………..plz……………………………bring back mmz…………..

  38. ArDhika nd NeSam Avatar
    ArDhika nd NeSam

    Pls pls comeback. We want more of manmarziyan..we want arjun,radhika,neil,sam all of them.All of them were awesome actually the whole show was very gud .pls come back

  39. ArDhika nd NeSam Avatar
    ArDhika nd NeSam

    Is there no way of coming back for manmarziyan pls comeback as second season.we want more of those characters

  40. Manesha Avatar

    People love the typical storylines like they have in saathiya and the super annoying yeh rishta Kya kehlata hai ( hate this show with a passion and they gotta end this shit!) the moment something more in depth which requires the viewer to think, they switch off! Shame they stopped the show!

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