Misunderstanding between Manish and Suwarna get resolved. Everyone accepts Aryan happily. All the tensions end. Kartik and Naira enjoy some moments of peace with the kids. Kartik helps the kids in their homework. Naira asks Kartik not to scold them. Kids praise Naira. Kartik asks them to get help from Naira. Kartik and Naira pull each other’s leg. She asks Kartik to make breakfast for them, while she sits to help the kids. Manish joins them. They all have a happy moment after much melodrama.
Kartik and Naira ask Manish to take bed tea for Suwarna. Manish says I have never done this before. Naira says you can make a start today. He says I will feel odd doing this, I don’t even know how to make tea. She asks him to try once, at least for Suwarna’s happiness. Kartik makes the tea and sets the tray with flowers. He helps Manish. He asks Manish to give flowers to Suwarna to make her happy. Kartik has accepted Suwarna as his mum. Everything gets fine in the family.
Meanwhile, Raghav keeps an eye on Naira. He spies inside Goenka house. Guard sees him and tells Manish and Kartik about some guy spying on them. Kartik worries on knowing this. Raghav continues to haunt Naira. He meets Kartik and reveals him a bitter truth about Naira’s past. Kartik can’t believe that Naira had a relation with Raghav while she was in Rishikesh. Raghav discloses the truth about Naira’s abortion, which shakes up Kartik’s heart to the core. Kartik gets a huge shock knowing this. The real truth gets veiled. Kartik thinks its time to confront Naira.