Kabeer stays around Naira all the time. Kartik misses to find him in the room. He calms Naira’s fears. Kabeer wants Naira to be with him. Everyone tries to comfort Aryan. They worry for Aryan’s heartbreak. Kabeer tries to be with Aryan for more time, so that he can stay in Goenka house. When Aryan wakes up, Kabeer feeds him sleeping medicines and makes him sleep for long. He takes advantage of Aryan’s sorrow. Naira asks Kartik to call Aryan and Kabeer for breakfast. Kabeer gets happy to hear his name from Naira. Singhanias see Naitik and Kirti playing video games till morning. Kirti enjoys the games. Naksh asks them to stop it. He asks Kirti to have some rest. Naitik and Kirti’s bonding gets praised by the family. Naksh scolds them for missing good sleep.
Naitik tells them that they are fresh after playing the games. Naitik calls Naksh jealous for missing out the games. Naksh also plays with Naitik. Manish thanks Kabeer for looking after Aryan.
Kabeer starts daydreaming about Naira. He gets crazy for her. He gets angry seeing her with Kartik. He hurts himself to get Naira’s attention. Naira cares for his wound. Naira asks Kartik to take Aryan along to the police station. Kabeer leaves a love letter for Naira, which he writes by his own blood. He thinks she will get glad, but she gets terrified on seeing it. She shows the letter to Kartik and family. The family worries for Naira, who gets stressed. Baisa blesses Kirti and wants her baby to be fine. Baisa and Kirti become good friends. Naksh gets jealous seeing their bonding as well. He likes Kirti’s bond with the family. Kartik asks Naira not to worry and just ignore the mad fan. Naira feels its dangerous as the fan has reached her home. Kartik tells her that many fans do such things. Kartik and Naira have romance, and recollect their old moments. Kartik manages to make her smile.