Udaariyaan 24th September 2021 Written Update Fateh’s wife Jasmin plans a huge drama in front of the entire society, being least concerned for the respect of Virk family. She locks up Tejo in the storeroom to keep her away from the stage when her name gets announced. She doesn’t want Tejo to appear on the stage with Fateh as his wife. Fateh receives a big honour, but doesn’t know the big shock awaited because of Jasmin’s plan. Khushbeer sings praises of Tejo. He wants Tejo to come on stage and receive the equal honour and fame as Tejo. Fateh’s wife is called on the stage.
Tejo falls helpless after her attempts to free herself fails. Jasmin gets herself noticed by Fateh, when Tejo doesn’t turn up after repeated calls. Jasmin comes towards the stage, when she earlier promised that she will be backstage and not show her face to anyone. She takes an advantage of Khurana uncle, who knows Jasmin as Fateh’s wife. Tejo doesn’t come on being called, while Khurana tells Fateh that Jasmin is right there.
He asks Fateh to get his wife on the stage. Fateh is stuck by his lies. He holds Jasmin’s hand and brings her on the stage, being unanswerable because of Tejo’s sudden disappearance. The family also keeps quiet seeing Tejo missing from the event. Jasmin represents herself as Jasmin’s wife. Will Tejo find a way out and reach the stage to save Virk family’s respect? Will Jasmin win in her plan and make Tejo out of Fateh’s life by bringing a shocking defamation moment for the family? Comment your views. Keep reading.
Udaariyaan 24th September 2021 Written Update Fateh’s wife:
Khurana takes Jasmin towards the stage and asks Fateh to take her to receive the honour. Khurana’s wife tells that she met Tejo at home, Jasmin isn’t Fateh’s wife. Khurana tells that Fateh has himself told that Jasmin is his wife. Fateh unwillingly takes Jasmin on the stage, while she makes a puppy face acting too innocent after fooling everyone. Jasmin reaches the stage with Fateh, where she wins the praise of Tejo’s hard work. Khushbeer is worried and wonders where did Tejo disappear suddenly. Rupy and Satti realize that its Jasmin’s plan to reach the stage and take Tejo’s place. Tejo gets help from her little brother Dilraj who frees her from the storeroom and makes her reach the stage.
But, it gets too late. The sports minister acknowledges Jasmin as Fateh’s wife and gives her the grant cheque for the academy. Jasmin rejoices to get a recognition as Fateh’s wife in front of the entire society. Tejo tells Dilraj that she doesn’t know who had locked her, but she needs to reach Fateh quickly. She reaches Fateh only to find Jasmin on the stage with him. The minister questions Khushbeer about Tejo. Khushbeer tells that Tejo is Fateh’s wife, who had made the academy successful. The minister questions about Jasmin, whom Fateh brought on the stage when his wife was called.
Khushbeer and Fateh get speechless, while Jasmin is happy that Fateh and her relation got known to the public. She doesn’t care for the family losing the respect. The onlookers start remarking on Fateh who has handling two women in his life, one is his wife and the other is his wife’s sister. They taunt Khushbeer for his son’s affair. Fateh loses his name, when he was receiving an honour. Tejo grows worried for the family losing their name because of Jasmin’s cunning plan.
Tejo cries seeing the people passing insulting comments on the Virk family because of Fateh’s affair with Jasmin. She didn’t wish Jasmin to ruin the family respect in front of the society. Jasmin acts innocent of the entire incident, while Tejo suspects her involvement. Fateh is questioned about his wife. Fateh doesn’t know what to say to save his family respect. Tejo wants to save the family from the embarrassing situation. Jasmin wonders how Tejo reached the stage when she had locked Tejo in the storeroom. Tejo apologizes to everyone. She feels helpless hearing the taunts on Khushbeer’s name.
She runs away from there, with tears in his eyes. Khushbeer gets insulted by the minister. He is asked to give an answer for his son’s affair. Khushbeer is proved as failed family head. Khushbeer and Fateh aren’t able to save their image. They return home with sorrow. The entire family thinks how Tejo got locked and suspect Jasmin is behind the incident. Jasmin rejoices that her plan didn’t work well, but it didn’t flop either. She is glad that her name is linked to Fateh now. She doesn’t care if the family sinks in sorrow over the defamation. Tejo finds her celebrating her success and confronts her for the disgusting plan.
She asks Jasmin why did she act great like making a sacrifice and then insult the entire family by her plan. She confronts Jasmin for locking her in the storeroom, and inviting Khurana only with a purpose, knowing Khurana recognizes her as Fateh’s wife. Tejo understands her entire plan and reprimands her. Jasmin breaks her silence and asks her to leave from Fateh’s life. She wants Tejo to divorce Fateh and leave from their lives. Tejo refuses to divorce Fateh, knowing Jasmin is much evil-minded and selfish, who didn’t care for Fateh’s public insult.
She tells Jasmin that she is selfish and doesn’t love Fateh as she claims, its not her love, but her madness to win Fateh. She rebukes Jasmin for hurting everyone just to please herself. She asks Jasmin to have a reality check, since she is just a other woman in Fateh’s life, who can never get a good recognition and respect in the society. She asks Jasmin to look at herself, how she failed herself in every relation just for serving her own happiness. She further shows the truth to Jasmin and asks her to find out herself where she stands in Fateh’s life. Jasmin feels humiliated by her. Tejo tells that she will never leave Fateh for Jasmin, who doesn’t deserve him at all. She doesn’t want Fateh’s life to get ruined by Jasmin.
Jasmin loses her mind and decides to give an ultimatum to Fateh. She wants Fateh to marry her, and divorce Tejo. She asks Fateh to save her from the other woman tag, else she would leave from his life. Fateh gets stuck between Jasmin and Tejo. He wants to move on in his life with Jasmin, who he dearly loves. Fateh decides to oust Tejo from his life by seeking Gurpreet’s help. Keep reading.
Reviewed Rating for Udaariyaan 24th September 2021 Written Update Fateh’s wife: 3/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.
I can’t understand how come the virk family lets jassmin live with them when their son is not divorced. I live in canada and joint family will never let the girlfriend live with them when the son is not divorced. And fateh is such a wimp I feel like slaping him . And Tejo why did she had to iron Fateh’s clothes and consol jassmin when she pretended she was choking.
If I were tejo I would not live with the virk family because she is just being used as a maid.
I think fateh likes to keep both tejo and jassmin. Tejo to take care of family & home Jssmin to take around town.
I think the writer should have made tejo pregnent. which can still be done if the doctor phones tejo and says they mixed up the lab results and she really is pregnent. Then we willl see what happens to jassmin and how she will react.
Jasmine should be thrown out of the house. She is a fraud. She will be planing bad only always. We are fed of her. Please do something and unite fateh and teju. Jasmine should be punished in front of everybody. She should feel awkward to her face to everybody. We are waiting for that moment.
Even I am so surprised Indian society which was at one was so orthodox and conservative now supassed all comminities in the world with their shamelessness
cool guyz its just a serial not anuthing else
Even I am so surprised Indian society which was at one time was so orthodox and conservative now supassed all comminities in the world with their shamelessness yes true i am also waiting for Jasmine’s evil plans should come out in public everybody should know how selfish and evil she is specially Fateh.
This show should be banned stop the telecast of this pathetic show
Throw jasmin out of fatehs life.
I think the either the show has to be stopped immediately or show respect for Tejo the director is stating wrong example our Indian culture if the show maker is going to give important to this kidn of relationships then the show has to banned immediately
Jasmin continue to succeed with her fradulent plans but if there no trashmean there is no serial I hate to see how much this loser Fateh is so blinded by trashmean it does not matter what she does he supports her, no one talks about TEJO being locked in the closet. The serial is all about trashmean and loser fateh getting what they want. For once show good conquer evil it is not good for young girls to see all this negativity on tv.
I feel fateh’s mother will support jasmine and ask tejo to leave, but jasmine is not affected by the insults , she is eccentric, it’s high time tejo should find a new job and life partner who understands her well and fateh n jasmine should regret of their mistakes
Next episode Please with less Trashmean drama but if there is no trash no show so the story continues………. SUPPORT TEJO ALL THE WAY.