Barrister Babu 14th October 2021 Written Update Anirudh to die

Barrister Babu 14th October 2021 Written Update Anirudh to die

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Barrister Babu 14th October 2021 Written Update Anirudh to die Bondita and Anirudh prepare for the trend-setting speech that will change the mindset of the people of Tulsipur. They have a moment when they confess love each other and also admire their presence in their lives. They are thankful that they are with each other, happy and prospering. Bondita doesn’t realize what fate has for her. Bondita goes for rendering the speech, while Anirudh makes all the arrangements before leaving.

Anirudh comes across Chandrachur, who is kept captive by Chandrachur. Anirudh finds him in a poor condition and questions him about the person who kept him captive till now. Chandrachur takes Trilochan’s name. Anirudh feels guilty that Trilochan has done unethical thing once again. He doesn’t think Trilochan has any right to take revenge once Chandrachur got punished by the law. Anirudh wants Chandrachur’s thinking to change. In order to do so, he takes Chandrachur to the hospital. He shows his humane side. He agrees to donate the blood to Chandrachur to save his life.

Chandrachur gets indebted to Anirudh for saving his life. He realizes what a good person can do, a good person is always mighty, because he has the power to change a wrongdoer’s thinking. He apologizes to Anirudh for his crimes. Anirudh tells him that he will never forgive him, he wants Chandrachur to spend ten years in the jail as the court decided the punishment. Chandrachur agrees to return to the jail. He promises to become a good person like Anirudh and return to the family after ten years.

Anirudh races against time to reach Bondita. Bondita doesn’t start the speech until Anirudh comes. She wants Anirudh by her side. The people wait for her to start the speech. Meanwhile, Trilochan welcomes Batuk to Tulsipur. He is happy that Batuk will be controlling Bondita in a good way that helps Anirudh and Bondita’s marriage. He has no idea that Batuk hates Bondita since childhood. Batuk hides about his hatred. He admits that he missed the family a lot, he loves Anirudh the most and wants his happiness, but not with Bondita.

Batuk prepares to create a havoc in Bondita’s life. Batuk and Trilochan have a long funny banter, before Trilochan asks him to go and meet Anirudh at Bondita’s event going on. Batuk rushes to see his brother. Anirudh reaches Bondita and apologizes for coming late. He asks her to never wait for him, he will always be with her, even if he isn’t with her. Bondita gives a heart-shaking speech in favor of the widows. She supports widow-remarriage. The people question her if she will lead the mission under stressful circumstances as well, if she herself turns into a widow, if Anirudh dies suddenly.

Bondita gets shaken by the thought. She scolds the person who asks this. The thought of Anirudh’s death makes her tremble. Anirudh pacifies her fears. He asks her to continue the battle for women empowerment. While Anirudh becomes her strength, Batuk arrives there with an aim to ruin her down. The episode gives a hint that Anirudh is going to die, his character will be wrapping up and Batuk will be taking over the track. What do you think of Bondita’s widow track bringing many hardships for her? Comment your views and keep reading.

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Reviewed Rating for Barrister Babu 14th October 2021 Written Update Anirudh to die: 3/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.






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