Udaariyaan 30th June 2022 Written Update Ultimate twist Fateh tells his declare that he will just marry Tejo. Gurpreet tells him that he will have to walk over her dead body if he wants to marry Tejo. Fateh is shocked when Gurpreet lies down on the floor to stop him. She blocks his way. Jasmin makes this plan to emotionally blackmail Fateh. Tejo asks him to come with her, they will get married. She holds his hand and take him to walk over Gurpreet. She pulls Fateh.
Fateh steps ahead over Gurpreet because of Tejo’s sudden pull, leaving Gurpreet shocked. Gurpreet realizes that Tejo doesn’t care for her life. She wants Fateh to realize this too, that their Tejo will never come back. Jasmin watches the drama. She wants Fateh to choose either Tejo or his family. Fateh apologizes to Gurpreet. Gurpreet makes Fateh away, saying Tejo has snatched her son. Will Fateh leave his family for his love for Tejo? Keep reading.
Earlier in the show, Jasmin plays wicked again and makes Tejo fall in everyone’s sight. Everyone who used to love Tejo before, now gets against her because she is mentally unstable. They don’t want her around and feel she is a source of disappointment and disgrace for them. Jasmin takes an advantage of their ill feelings towards Tejo and provokes them to send Tejo to the mental asylum. Jasmin creates a big scene in front of the NRI guests who come home to meet Abhiraj for an alliance. Jasmin wants to snatch Tejo’s biggest support Fateh, by proving that Tejo can cause no good to anyone. She wants Fateh to get away from Tejo. Fateh stays with Tejo as always. He is hopeful of her recovery seeing her gain her memory bits.
Jasmin plans to use Gurpreet by threatening her of Amrik’s child. Jasmin uses Gurpreet as a weapon to separate Fateh and Tejo. Jasmin employs the guest Shampy to scare Tejo by burning crackers on the terrace. Tejo gets too scared seeing the crackers fire. She shouts for help, but the family stays busy dancing with Abhiraj and his would be fiancee. Jasmin makes sure that Tejo sees fire everywhere and lights candles in the house. Tejo gets violent and summons Fateh. The Sandhus try to calm her, but Tejo creates chaos by throwing the candles away. One of the candle spreads the fire, and one of the guest’s clothes also catch fire. Tejo is proved dangerous and unfit to stay with the family. Jasmin rejoices her success.
Udaariyaan 30th June 2022 Written Update Ultimate twist:
Shampy breaks Tejo’s stuff and troubles her. Tejo ousts Shampy from her room. Jasmine enjoys seeing this. Jasmine goes behind Shampy and shows him extra toys. She sees crackers in the store room and leaves to bring chocolate milk for Shampy. On the other hand, Tejo feels bad seeing the stuff given by Fateh to her broken. She fixes the paper fans and plays with them on the terrace. Shampy finds crackers in the store room and gets excited. To keep the family busy, Jasmine makes everyone dance with Abhiraj and the Canadian girl (Jasleen) who came with a marriage proposal for him.
Shampy bursts the crackers on the terrace to teach Tejo a lesson for ousting him from her room. Jasmine says Shampy is even more clever than her. Shampy smiles and runs away from there. Tejo gets scared with cracker’s voice and fire. She screams Fateh’s name for help. Jasmine gets very happy seeing Tejo jumping, screaming and crying in fear. No one from the family is able to hear Tejo’s screams due to loud music that Jasmine intentionally set up. Jasmine joins the family and dances with them. She feels happy thinking that now Tejo will come downstairs and create drama in front of Lovely’s guests who brought a marriage proposal for Abhiraj.
On the other hand, Tejo runs here and there on the upper floor in fear. She keeps screaming Fateh’s name. Tejo recalls Fateh’s trick to calm oneself. She applies the trick on herself. After caressing her face and crying a lot, Tejo calms down. Jasmine excitedly waits for Tejo to come downstairs, create drama and make fun of herself as well as everyone. On the other hand, Fateh is seen busy in a meeting in college. He misses Tejo. Fateh feels that something is not right. He gets worried for Tejo. Fateh gets the feeling that something wrong has happened with Tejo. He also caresses his face. Fateh gets restless and worries for Tejo. He tries calling Sandhus but no one picks up due to loud music. This makes Fateh more restless.
At Sandhu house, Jasmine walks upstairs to check why Tejo didn’t come downstairs. She gets stunned seeing Tejo calm and lying on the floor. Jasmine wonders why Tejo isn’t shouting and screaming in fear. She thinks that she can’t lose this opportunity to make Tejo make fun of herself in front of all the guests. Jasmine goes downstairs. Shiny asks Lovely to make her eat yummy kachoris. Lovely asks Shiny to wait. Shampy comes and asks for water. Jasmine tells Shampy that she is going to bring water for him. On the other hand, worried Fateh is seen driving his car and on his way to see if Tejo is fine or not.
Tejo in her room thinks if she should go downstairs. She decides to not go downstairs as Satti has asked her to rest in her room only. With an excuse to bring water for Shampy, Jasmine intentionally switches off the lights/electricity of Sandhu house. This makes Tejo sacred. Tejo still handles her fear. Downstairs everyone is seen sitting with a lot of candles lit on the center table as electricity went off. They are unaware of the fact that Jasmine intentionally switched off the house lights. Shiny makes Jasleen and Abhiraj shy by telling them that they very soon got the opportunity to have candle light dinner. Everyone smiles hearing this.
Satti thinks to go and keep an emergency light in Tejo’s room. She worries thinking that Tejo might be scared. Jasmine overhears this. To not let her plan ruin, Jasmine tells Satti that she will handle Tejo upstairs. Satti says ok and asks Jasmine to take care of Tejo. Jasmine goes to Tejo’s room and scares her with a lit candle. Tejo gets scared and recalls the fire incident she suffered 6-7 months ago. She also recalls that Jasmine was just seeing her and didn’t save her from fire 6-7 months ago. Jasmine continues scaring Tejo using a lit candle.
Tejo tries to calm herself. Downstairs Satti thinks to check on Tejo once. She asks Rupy to go and check Tejo once. Harman stops Rupy to talk with him. Rupy excuses himself and asks Satti to go and check on Tejo. In a lower voice, Harman tells Rupy that he is confused thinking if they should finalize Abhiraj’s marriage with Jasleen or not. He also tells Rupy that Jasleen’s family seems like they want to finalize Abhiraj and Jasleen’s marriage today itself. Unaware of what is happening upstairs, Lovely stops Satti from going to check on Tejo.
Upstairs, evil Jasmine scares Tejo more by telling her that her room and Fateh’s gifts will get burned. She asks Tejo to run downstairs and save herself. As a scared Tejo runs downstairs, Jasmine laughs evilly. Jasmine extinguishes the fire that she set to scare Tejo. She feels happy thinking that now Tejo will create drama downstairs and make people laugh at her. Jasmine goes behind Tejo pretending to be innocent. Shiny asks Lovely to start preparing for Abhiraj’s wedding as Jasleen likes Abhiraj. Lovely gets happy and says that she is already ready to prepare for Abhiraj’s wedding.
Scared Tejo comes downstairs in front of everyone shouting fire….fire. She gets more scared seeing a lot of lit candles and screams Fateh’s name. This stuns everyone. Worried Satti, Rupy, Harman, Abhiraj and Navraj try to calm and handle a scared Tejo. Sacred Tejo tries to extinguish the lit candles by throwing a cushion at them. Cushion catches fire. Shampy gets scared and cries seeing Tejo’s condition. Tejo keeps screaming in fear. While everyone tries to calm Tejo, Jasmine enjoys seeing her plan getting successful. Rupy puts off the fire using water. Tejo keeps asking to save her from fire. Rupy puts some water on Tejo asking for Fateh.
Tejo calms down a little. In a low voice, Lovely asks Satti to take Tejo upstairs as she is creating drama in front of guests. This makes Rupy and Satti feel bad. Shiny calls Tejo mental. She asks Sandhus to oust Tejo from the house and send her to a mental asylum. Jasmine laughs secretly. Rupy gets angry at Shiny and asks her to get out. This shocks everyone. Lovely asks Rupy to stop as Shiny has brought a marriage proposal for Abhiraj. Rupy says he won’t tolerate anyone talking ill about his daughter. Jasmine enjoys the show created by her indirectly. She thinks that now even Fateh won’t be able to save Tejo from going to the mental asylum.
In the next episode, Fateh will ask who took the candles to Tejo’s room. Dilraj will reveal that Jasmine took candles to Tejo’s room. Satti will say that she gave emergency light to Jasmine to take to Tejo’s room. Fateh will get angry and lash out at Jasmine. He will question Jasmine why she took candles to Tejo’s room, even being aware of Tejo’s fear of fire. Jasmine will get scared. Tejo will be seen unconscious.
Reviewed Rating for Udaariyaan 30th June 2022 Written Update Ultimate twist: 5/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.
1 Comment
Enough of jasmine evils. We are waiting to see her suffering. We want the truth to come out. Very eagarly waiting for that scene. Please bring it soon.