Pandya Store 13th December 2023 Written Update Justice for Natasha. Suman admits to Natasha that she only recently realized that there was a problem when the Pandya Store was demolished. Tearfully, Natasha embraces her. Seeing this, Chiku also apologizes and offers to help Natasha return to Pandya’s house. Natasha agrees with a determined tone that it’s time for her to move forward. Meanwhile, Dhawal continues to drown his sorrows in alcohol, lying alone and intoxicated. In his drunken state, he can’t stop thinking about Natasha and decides it would be best for her if he stays away from her. While he does this, Hetal takes the initiative of cleaning up Dhawal’s room and tidying up Natasha’s cupboard.
She fondly remembers the moments she shared with Natasha and experiences a wave of emotions. Amba informs Hetal that Natasha will not be returning. She takes the garments left by Natasha and states her intention to return them. Dhawal envisions Natasha beside him and grins at the thought of her. He holds her hand as she sits beside him. His friend then reveals that he is in love with Natasha. While sleeping, Natasha remembers her divorce and trembles with fear. Suman provides comfort to ease her distress. Meanwhile, Isha is fast asleep in her room when she suddenly disappears.
Chiku is revealed to be the culprit who has tied Isha to a chair. Isha demands an explanation for his actions, but Chiku explains that he wants the Makhwanas to suffer just as they caused pain for Natasha. However, it turns out that this is all just a figment of Chiku’s imagination as he wakes up from his dream. As Amresh reflects on Dhawal refusing to hug him and Natasha’s departure, Amba offers him comfort. He urges her to rest peacefully, knowing that he must act before Dhawal’s resolve weakens and he can completely sever his relationship with Natasha.
Chiku grabs a stick, planning to follow Suman’s orders the next day but first seeking revenge against the Makhwanas. However, Suman interrupts him and reminds him that they must smartly punish the Makhwanas, as physical violence could land them both in jail. She suggests an alternative course of action. Pranali inquires Hetal about her conversation with Natasha, but she responds that Natasha was unable to answer her call. The lawyer then hands over the divorce papers to Amresh. Amba expresses concern about the timeline for the divorce. Upon hearing this, Hetal accidentally drops a tray. Amba is taken aback when the lawyer informs her that the process will be lengthy and time-consuming.
Meanwhile, Natasha asks Suman why she was summoned to the matrimonial office. The lawyer goes on to explain that the only way to speed up the process is by proving Natasha’s mental instability. Dhawal arrives and firmly states that regardless of the time it takes, false accusations should not be made against Natasha. The attorney declares that if she is not mentally ill, her character can be proven to be unscrupulous. The police urge Natasha to press charges against the Makhwanas, a sentiment shared by Suman. However, Natasha hesitates despite the encouragement. This leads Dhawal to lose his temper and physically attack the lawyer, only to be calmed down by his brothers. In disbelief, the lawyer questions why Dhawal would want to separate from his beloved wife. Natasha is taken aback as she witnesses a group of women protesting against the Makhwanas, organized by Suman. Suman instructs them to head towards the Makhwana residence.