Bhagya Lakshmi 30th December 2023 Written Update. Malishka informs Balwinder of an extension to their plan, as Rishi’s strong attachment to Lakshmi complicates matters and they must separate them. Balwinder agrees to do whatever Malishka asks, on the condition that she provides monetary compensation. With a bitter tone, Malishka assures him that money is not a concern and she would never make him work without payment. Meanwhile, Lakshmi sobs uncontrollably, yearning for Mintu to rescue her and her doll Rishi. She laments not knowing the reason for her treatment at the facility and simply desires to return home.
On the other hand, Rishi senses Lakshmi’s longing for him and becomes increasingly agitated. He turns to Ayush and declares that they must find a way to liberate Lakshmi from the asylum. During the Oberoi family’s dinner, Neelam expresses how wonderful it is to be together again. Harleen reminds her not to overlook her husband, but Neelam clarifies that she believes he might have forgotten about her since he hasn’t returned yet. However, Harleen assures her that Virendra will join them soon, especially with Neelam’s birthday approaching.
Neelam smiles and then asks Rishi to eat properly, but he declines because he notices Lakshmi hasn’t eaten either. Rishi apologizes and leaves the table. Meanwhile, Lakshmi is feeling lonely and bored until she spots a snake which frightens her. She attempts to escape through a locked door and becomes even more distressed. Later on, Malishka calls Balwinder and reminds him that significant risks must be taken for great success. Will the snake harm Lakshmi and worsen her condition? What devious plan is brewing in Malishka’s mind? Keep reading for Bhagya Lakshmi 30th December 2023 Written Update.
Bhagya Lakshmi 30th December 2023 Written Update Malishka’s plan:
Malishka reminds Balwinder to know his place and warns him that if she stops giving him money, he will be back on the street. Balwinder confidently tells her that one day he will become wealthier than her. Curious about their conversation, Balwinder asks Malishka what task she has for him. Without directly answering, Malishka instructs him to say a final goodbye to Lakshmi. Perplexed, Balwinder asks her to clarify. She explains that she needs him to take Lakshmi somewhere away from Rishi’s reach. Not knowing where that place is, Balwinder questions her further but Malishka abruptly ends the call upon hearing someone approaching her.
As Karishma joins her, Malishka informs her that she has already talked to Rishi and he has promised to focus on his work instead of worrying about Lakshmi’s recovery. Karishma is reassured by this news and hopes that Rishi will accept the fact that Lakshmi will soon get better. Harleen inquires with Neelam about Virendra’s plans for her upcoming birthday. In response, Neelam relays Virendra’s assurance of being present for the celebration. Malishka expresses her intention to make Harleen’s birthday special and asks for Neelam’s consent, which she receives.
Ayush approaches Rishi and seeks information regarding a recent incident. Rishi recounts the details to Ayush, who is unsure of the doctor’s credibility. Rishi confirms that the doctor is indeed dishonest. Ayush speculates that the doctor may be acting out of fear or under someone else’s influence, specifically, the woman who attempted to harm Lakshmi at the hospital previously. However, Ayush eventually advises Rishi to let go of it and join him for a meal instead. As Rishi sits down at the dining table with the rest of the family, Malishka urges him to eat. She reminds him that no one else will begin their meal until he does. After reluctantly taking a spoonful, Rishi tells his family to go ahead and eat.
However, he later remembers Lakshmi and expresses concern that she may not have eaten anything. The thought makes it difficult for him to continue eating, and he ultimately leaves the table without finishing his meal. Meanwhile, Lakshmi feels isolated at the mental asylum when a snake enters her room. Ayush approaches Rishi to offer some support and suggests that a solid plan can only be made if Rishi takes care of his food intake. Rishi acknowledges this and firmly declares that he will rescue Lakshmi from the mental asylum tomorrow, without any hesitation.
Moments later, Ayush receives a call from Shalu who proceeds to express her grievances about Lakshmi. Ayush sympathetically remarks on their inability to bring Lakshmi out of the mental asylum. He then proposes that they should make every effort to get her out, which Shalu readily agrees to. Upon spotting the snake, Lakshmi is filled with fear. She then seeks out Balwinder and shares her instructions with him. Impressed, Balwinder commends Malishka’s suggestion. Later on, Malishka confides in Sonal about her strategy before Rishi decides to devise a plan to rescue Lakshmi from the asylum by trapping the doctor.