Bhagya Lakshmi 1st January 2024 Written Update Balwinder kidnaps Rishi. The doctor tells Rishi he cannot separate Lakshmi from this place. Rishi pleads with the doctor to leave them be, or else he will release the snake. The doctor then urges Rishi to let go of Lakshmi. As Rishi attempts to flee with her, a ward boy strikes him on the back of his head and he collapses. The doctor instructs the ward boy to remove the snake from the premises. Taking it away, the ward boy follows through with the task. Next, the doctor warns Lakshmi that if she does not go inside, she will harm Rishi. Fearing for his safety, Lakshmi agrees to return to her room and accompanies a nurse there. The doctor believes that Rishi and Lakshmi are meant for each other. Meanwhile, the nurse cautions Lakshmi against any hopes of escaping this mental asylum before leaving.
Balwinder and the doctor proceed to transport Rishi by van. While there, the doctor is introduced to Malishka, who then requests for Lakshmi to stay with him for the night. He promises to hand her over to Balwinder the following day. The doctor accepts his proposal. Before leaving, the doctor hands over Rishi’s phone to Malishka. Later, Malishka uses Rishi’s phone to send a message and turns off the device. Finally, Balwinder takes Rishi and leaves the place. As Malishka eagerly anticipates Lakshmi’s departure, she believes her fortune will soon turn for the better. Karishma, Neelam, and Harleen disagree about Rishi’s attitude towards Lakshmi’s condition.
While Karishma and Neelam argue that Rishi is in denial and too focused on Lakshmi’s well-being, Harleen believes that Lakshmi will improve soon. Neelam maintains that Lakshmi needs treatment but Rishi is resistant to it. Ayush reminds them of how Rishi helped Lakshmi conquer her fear of fire and suggests that Rishi is doing his best for her recovery.
However, Neelam insists on getting Rishi back to his usual self and threatens to make decisions for him if necessary. She then exits the conversation. Ayush inquires Harleen about Rishi’s topic of discussion. Harleen explains that Neelam believes Rishi will only be content with Malishka, especially after what happened with Lakshmi. Therefore, she is considering arranging Rishi’s marriage with Malishka. This news causes worry for Kiran. Fortunately, Sonal consoles Kiran. Later on, Malishka arrives in high spirits and updates Kiran on the situation. Relieved by this news, Kiran excuses herself from the conversation.
Malishka then confidently states to Sonal that her plan is sure to be a success now. Balwinder ferociously brings Rishi, who had fallen unconscious, to a warehouse in order to seek retribution. Once there, he proceeds to seize the money from Rishi’s wallet before departing. Ayush believes that Lakshmi is not receiving the love she is entitled to. He happens upon a message on Rishi’s phone stating that he will return home the following day and instructing him not to fret.