Bhagya Lakshmi 7th January 2024 Written Update Malishka’s plan. Lakshmi seeks Neelam’s blessing before stating her intentions to leave if Neelam desires it. From a distance, Malishka wonders if Lakshmi has been healed and asks Rishi about it. Rishi debates with Neelam, suggesting that they permit Lakshmi to stay and shares proof of her recovery and lack of danger. Karishma points out the advantage of avoiding involvement from law enforcement but raises concerns about Lakshmi potentially harming herself or others. Rishi assures Karishma that Lakshmi will not cause any disruption. Harleen intervenes, proposing that they celebrate Neelam’s upcoming birthday as a united family rather than arguing.
Harleen informs Neelam that she has accepted Lakshmi, so it would be fair for her to also allow Lakshmi to stay for the birthday celebration. After some persuasion, Neelam agrees and decides to celebrate the birthday as a family, allowing Lakshmi to stay for a few days. As Neelam leaves, Malishka expresses her concern about Balwinder and the doctor being caught by the police. However, Sonal brings good news that they managed to escape. This relieves Malishka’s worries.
After contemplating her options, Malishka devises a plan to remove Lakshmi from their home. Sonal inquires about potential plans for Neelam’s birthday, prompting Malishka to confirm that she has something in mind. Rishi expresses concern over the pending situation with Lakshmi following the birthday event, but she suggests celebrating it grandly, to which he eventually agrees.
Rishi meets Ayush. He says that everything was recorded on Ayush’s phone. He asks Ayush to check his phone. Malishka overhears them and is shaken down. Shalu and Bani try to keep Lakshmi away from the wedding album. Lakshmi insists that she wants to see it. The album falls from Shalu’s hand. Lakshmi gets to see the wedding pictures and asks when Rishi and she got those pictures clicked. She says that she remembers something. Shalu gets hopeful of Lakshmi’s memory coming back. Malishka hears Ayush stating anger. Ayush says that once he knows the culprit, he will not spare. Rishi and Ayush check the phone.
Rishi and Lakshmi discuss his completed punishment. Meanwhile, Balwinder arrives at the house and Lakshmi calls upon Shalu and Bani to remain there while staying with Neelam until her birthday. However, Neelam’s actions show otherwise – she will not allow Lakshmi to stay. Rishi inquires about what happened, and Lakshmi recounts how Balwinder harassed her. Rishi advises her to let it go. Later, Rishi suggests they all go outside for a bit and Ayush separately suggests that just the two of them should go instead of everyone else. Shalu concurs with this idea. Ayush pulls Rishi aside and reveals how he administered truth serum to Balwinder, capturing his confession on his phone.
The goal was to uncover the culprit behind Lakshmi’s attempted murder in the hospital. Rishi requests to see the evidence and Ayush obliges. Little did they know, Malishka was eavesdropping on their entire conversation, assuming that Balwinder had exposed her role in the crime. Meanwhile, Karishma asks Neelam if she is compiling a guest list for an upcoming event. Neelam confirms this and Karishma suggests not inviting certain individuals due to gossip surrounding their daughter-in-law’s stay in a mental asylum. She proudly adds that she taught Mrs Singhania a lesson after she made some negative comments about them. Understanding Karishma’s perspective, Neelam agrees that they should not be bothered by rumors and gossip.
Malishka informs Sonal that Balwinder has exposed her with the help of the truth serum and his confession. Shalu and Bani assist Lakshmi in preparing for an event. However, Lakshmi suddenly remembers that she forgot to dress up her Rishi doll. As she checks the doll’s attire, she accidentally knocks over her wedding album from the cupboard. Overcome with nostalgia, Lakshmi expresses her desire to look at the album and attempts to take it from Shalu, who accidentally drops it. As Lakshmi flips through the pictures, she recalls when they were taken and exclaims that they are indeed wedding photos.
Sonal ensures Mukesh is no longer in the kitchen. She walks into the room and switches on all the knobs. She confirms that the smell of gas is strong. Ayush and Rishi are eagerly waiting for their phone to turn on so they can watch Balwinder’s confession. Suddenly, Sonal calls out “fire!” They immediately take their focus off their phones and hurry out of the kitchen. Malishka picks up one of the phones and watches Balwinder’s confession. Luckily, there is no mention of her in the video. The rest of the family rushes to find out what happened. Sonal reveals that there was a gas leak in the kitchen, which prompted her to shout “fire” as a warning to everyone.
Rishi and Ayush open the windows to let out the gas. After the incident in the kitchen, Karishma and Neelam inquire with Sonal about what happened. She explains that upon entering the kitchen, she immediately smelled gas and took action by turning off the knobs and calling for help. Grateful for Sonal’s quick thinking, Karishma expresses her thanks.
However, Sonal brushes it off and asks Karishma not to take it to heart. It is evident to Karishma that Mukesh was at fault for leaving the gas knobs on. She confronts him and he apologizes for his mistake, even though he claims to have turned them off. Confused about who could have turned on the gas if not Mukesh, Karishma turns to Lakshmi and asks her whereabouts. Shalu and Bani clarify that Lakshmi had been with them preparing to go out. The three of them return to the room together. Later on, Lakshmi questions Shalu about the wedding album.