Pandya Store Update Dhawal's extreme step shocks Makhwanas

Pandya Store Update Dhawal’s extreme step shocks Makhwanas

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Pandya Store Update Dhawal’s extreme step shocks Makhwanas. The inspector remains doubtful as Dhawal mentioned that women are treated as goods in his Makhwana household. Amresh reaches out to Dhawal for his release, but Dhawal refuses any assistance from Amresh by preventing the constable from unlocking the cell. Upon noticing an injury on Dhawal’s forehead, Amresh becomes upset and attempts to touch it, but Dhawal asks him to stop pretending to care. Despite Amresh’s persistent pleas for Dhawal to express his disapproval once they return home, he ultimately tears up the bail papers instead.

Dhawal repeatedly voices his desire to avoid seeing Amresh, urging him to leave. Once outside the police station, Amresh falls at Natasha’s feet and pleads for her help in securing Dhawal’s bail. Spotting Suman behind them, Chiku retreats into the auto. Later, Natasha visits Dhawal in jail, but he also insists that she leave. Although Natasha offers understanding and comfort, when she mentions Amresh, Dhawal pushes her away. The episode concludes with Dhawal questioning why she is seeking help from Amresh instead of working on their relationship once again.

Amresh breaks down and seeks Natasha’s help. Natasha succeeds in bringing Dhawal home. Dhawal sadly announces a shocking move. He says that he has broken every tie with his family and he is now dead for them. In a very disheartening scene, Dhawal performs the rituals that are performed for a deceased member of the family. He pronounces himself dead for Makhwanas. The family is left shocked at Dhawal’s madness, which shows the underlying pain. Dhawal is very hurt after Amresh deceives him. Amresh cries for his brother. He loves Dhawal, and realizes his deeds have broken the latter’s heart. He apologizes for the unintentional damage he had caused to Dhawal’s life. Will Natasha be able to bring Makhwanas together again? How will Chiku exact revenge on them, when Suman is posing a hurdle in his plotting? Keep reading for more on your favorite show Pandya Store.






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