Pandya Store 19th February 2024 Written Update Natasha's plan

Pandya Store 19th February 2024 Written Update Natasha’s plan

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Pandya Store 19th February 2024 Written Update Natasha’s plan. Amrish expresses his anger at the closure of his companies. An officer clarifies that it was ordered by the court. Media reporters swarm around Dolly, bombarding her with questions. Chirag rushes to her aid, but the reporters turn their taunts towards him. Natasha steps in to reprimand them and send them away. The media then turned their attention to Pranali, asking if she would take legal action against Amrish for sending fake medicine to her clinic. Pranali remains silent and Chirag eventually manages to dismiss the reporters. Amba asks Bhaven if he had notified the media and worries that their actions against Natasha may have caused further problems for Amrish. Dhawal is attending a job interview, but the company requires previous work experience.

Due to his attractive appearance, he is advised to consider modeling as an alternative career path. Meanwhile, Amba once again holds Natasha accountable and criticizes Amrish for following her advice. Amrish regrets his efforts going to waste and fears that if this negative news spreads, it will result in a decline in the company’s stock value and ultimately lead to its downfall. Chirag and Bhaven receive phone calls informing them that their company’s financial standing is deteriorating rapidly, possibly leading to bankruptcy if the situation persists. As Amba steps on shattered glass, Pranali quickly grabs a newspaper to help clean it up. While doing so, Natasha comes across an interesting article and suggests to Amrish that they should showcase the deep-rooted respect for women in their family to the media.

She proposes that all the ladies participate in a beauty pageant happening in Somnath. However, Amrish firmly refuses to allow this, stating that he will not go against his principles. Chirag then interrupts, informing them about a live conference being held against Amrish, and turns on the television. The reporter directs questions at Shalini regarding Amrish’s case and she accuses him of being two-faced. She adds that they are collecting evidence to prove their allegations against him. Amrish is curious about the outcome of Shalini’s election. Dhawal receives news that all Makhwanas are facing a case, hindering him from finding employment.

However, he happens to come across an advertisement for a beauty pageant and decides to pursue related work. To everyone’s surprise, Amrish encourages the ladies to take part in the pageant and even helps them fill out the forms. Meanwhile, Dhawal lands a job with the company hosting the beauty contest. Isha happens to be there as well, but none of them realize that they are in the presence of other Makhwana women filling out forms for the same event. Pranali senses the silence before the storm and believes something significant is about to occur. Amba, on the other hand, warns Amrish that he will once again make the wrong decision by allowing them to take part in the beauty pageant.

Amrish explains that due to their severe financial crisis, they have no alternative. Dolly eagerly looks forward to participating, while Hetal hesitates and expresses a desire to leave. Natasha urges her to embrace the fresh air, but Hetal remains resistant until Natasha encourages her to join in. To add on, Bhaven agrees with Amba and suggests Amrish speak with Shalini instead. However, Amrish struggles internally as he ponders how he can admit that he cannot oppose Shalini’s wishes.






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