Pandya Store 2nd March 2024 Written Update Damage control. Amrish reaches out to Bhavin to inquire about the status of the property documents, as he intends to transfer them over. Bhavin’s enthusiasm is evident upon hearing this news. Pranali relays to Natasha that spouses are required for the upcoming round, which will be a couples round. Natasha is taken aback by this information. She expresses her concern about being without a spouse and decides to discuss it with Juhi. On stage, Juhi announces the couple round, causing Suman to worry not only for Natasha but also for Isha, as Chiku is absent. Bhavin informs Chiku that Amrish has agreed to transfer everything in his name. He urges Chiku to also join him at the beauty pageant. Chiku feels relieved that his plan is coming to fruition and silently thanks Shalini.
Amrish arrives at the event, while Isha calls Chiku and reminds him to sign the divorce papers if he cannot make it. Chiku reassures her and assures her he is on his way. Dolly tells Pranali that Bhavin will not participate with her, leading to disqualification. Eventually, both Chiku and Bhavin show up at the beauty pageant together. Natasha takes notice of their presence and realizes something must be going on between them. Natasha is taken aback as she watches Chiku hand papers to Bhavin. Meanwhile, Dhawal joins Hetal and Pranali who fill him in on Natasha’s plan to talk to Juhi. Chirag also arrives to team up with Dolly.
Pranali confides in Dhawal that if there is a couple round, she and Natasha won’t be able to participate and ask for his help. Shashank suggests partnering with Natasha for the walk, but Dhawal declines, assuring he can handle it himself. Chiku discreetly keeps an eye on Bhavin as he hands over property papers for Amrish’s signature. Despite Natasha’s watchful gaze, Amrish signs the papers while Chiku wears a satisfied smile. Upon seeing Bhavin, Chiku offers a compliment before suggesting he should go and promises to get his work done. He fools Bhavin. Natasha plans to meet with Juhi at a later time but realizes she needs to first catch up with Chiku. Juhi announces the start of the couple round, promising an exciting and suspenseful segment.
As Isha waits for Chiku, Shalini takes her place as the chief guest. Meanwhile, Amba grows irritated while Suman becomes worried. Dhawal goes in search of Natasha, and Dolly and Chirag confidently strut down the ramp hand in hand. Pranali and Bhavin follow their lead, much to Shalini’s interest. Pranali is taken aback when Bhavin holds her hand for their turn on the ramp, while Amba feels let down. Isha calls Chiku to ask about his whereabouts as he is supposed to participate with her. He assures her that he has already arrived backstage. While Chiku is occupied talking to Isha, Natasha sneaks away with the property papers. Will Natasha be able to control the damage caused by Chiku? How will Makhwanas react on knowing the truth? Keep reading.