Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2024 Written Update Rishi threatened

Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2024 Written Update Rishi threatened

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Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2024 Written Update Rishi threatened. Rishi regrets hurting Lakshmi a lot. He weeps thinking she might have got heartbroken because of his decision to end their ties. He misses Lakshmi in his life. He tells Ayush that if he had stopped Lakshmi that day, then she would have been with him today. Ayush understands his pain and sympathizes with him. Rohan tells Lakshmi that his dad is a superhero, and even Paro’s dad would be a superhero. He asks her to call Paro’s dad back. Harleen asks Paro to help her in arranging the fallen clothes. She asks her to pick the album as well.

Paro picks the clothes from the floor. She then sees the album and picks it up. She misses to see Rishi and Lakshmi’s wedding pictures. A man meets Rishi at his office and threatens him. Rishi says that he will not give him a single penny and asks the man to leave. The man says that he will take life instead of money. Will Rishi try to find Lakshmi? Keep reading for a full written update on Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2024.

As seen in the show, Parvati accidentally bumps into Neelam while playing with a toy. Neelam reprimands her and tells her to go away. Parvati apologizes, but Neelam remains unforgiving. Parvati advises Neelam that holding onto anger is harmful to one’s well-being. Inwardly, Neelam judges Parvati. Parvati approaches Anushka and insists on playing Ludo with her, while she goes to retrieve the game. Meanwhile, Ranjit visits Lakshmi’s house to inquire about Parvati’s whereabouts. Despite Lakshmi’s request for him to leave, Ranjit remains persistent. He also asks about Rohan, whom he realizes is from the city. Upon seeing Ranjit causing trouble, Rohan intervenes and tells him to leave. In an attempt to discipline Rohan, Ranjit is warned by Lakshmi.

Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2024 Written Update Rishi threatened:

Lakshmi cautions Ranjit to steer clear of Rohan and promptly requests him to leave. After Ranjit exits, she questions Rohan about why he pushed him. Rohan responds by saying that he cannot stand anyone causing trouble for her. The absence of her son weighs heavy on Lakshmi’s mind. Meanwhile, Harleen opens the cupboard, causing the clothes and Rishi’s wedding album to tumble out. Dadi is unable to bend due to her back pain, so Harleen contacts Parvati for help. Parvati assists in picking up the items scattered on the floor, with Rishi’s wedding album hidden beneath them.

Rohan says that Parvati’s father may be a superhero, just like his dad, urging Lakshmi to make amends with him. Lakshmi remains contemplative as a worker enters the room and hands the album back to Harleen. Parvati misses seeing the album and goes off to play with Anushka after updating Harleen about it. Lakshmi attempts to give Rohan kada, while Shalu surprises him with a new phone upon her return home. Wondering why he needs it, she explains that it is necessary for him to stay in touch with his family and asks him not to use it for playing games. Rohan agrees.

Parvati emerges victorious against Anushka in the game. Ayush enters Rishi’s room and informs him that Johnny has arrived, as they had declined to provide funding. Rishi assures Ayush that he will deal with it and asks him to have Johnny wait for a while. Neelam comes across Rohan’s photo and reminisces about their time together. Harleen joins her and Neelam questions if Rohan has changed since moving to the village. She expresses her concern over him staying with Parvati’s mother. However, Harleen reassures her that he won’t change. Neelam then makes a comment about Paro, but Harleen defends her and admits to being fond of Paro since the first time she saw her. Neelam asks why she likes Paro so much, to which Harleen responds by saying she feels a sense of closeness to Paro.

Lakshmi attempts to call Shalu but mistakenly dials Mr. Oberoi’s number instead. Realizing her error, she promptly ends the call. Meanwhile, Rohan engages in a video call with Neelam and Harleen. Neelam inquires about his teacher, to which Rohan responds that he is not at home and provides them with his contact information given by Parvati’s Maasi. They agree to call him later. Later on, Rishi summons Johnny to his cabin through the receptionist. As Johnny enters, he demands his month’s payment from Rishi who adamantly refuses to give him any money. In a fit of rage, Johnny points a gun at Rishi’s head and threatens him.

However, Rishi expertly turns the tables and aims his weapon at Johnny, warning him never to cross him again. As Ayush and Avinash arrive at the scene, Avinash tries to intervene but Rishi commands Johnny to apologize and leave, which he does without hesitation. Impressed by Rishi’s courageous act, Avinash praises his ability to handle relationships with care before thanking him for dealing with Johnny effectively and leaves the room.

Shalu inquires about Rohan’s Badi Mom, to which he responds that she has strict rules. Expressing her concern, Shalu hopes Paro doesn’t cause any trouble. Reassuring her, Rohan tells Shalu not to worry about Paro. Seeing Rishi upset, Ayush asks if he misses Lakshmi. Rishi confesses that he hurt and broke her heart in the past. The children apologize to Lakshmi, who advises them to treat Rohan with extra care as he is a guest at their school. Agreeing with her, they promise to do so. Reflecting on his past actions, Rishi tells Ayush that living in guilt serves no purpose and there was nothing he could have done to prevent things from happening.

Ayush tries to console him while Rishi puts up a strong front and reminisces about his moments with Lakshmi. Parvati expresses to Anushka her happiness in winning the game. She’s asked to play ludo alone and leave the room. This makes her upset, and she leaves. Lakshmi is being followed by Ranjit and his men. Rishi gives a call to Lakshmi, who decides to falsely claim it was a mistake. Ranjit’s men purposely bump into Lakshmi, causing her to fall. Knowing this, Ranjit plans to act as Lakshmi’s rescue by offering assistance.


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