Pandya Store 15th March 2024 Written Update Natasha’s love. Amrish plans to retrieve the box, while Hetal searches for him. Natasha expresses her concern about Amrish’s actions and Chiku reminds her of their family’s loyalty. Meanwhile, Amba looks for Amrish and Hetal follows suit, questioning his whereabouts. Amrish reveals that he is heading to the temple to start the puja like every year. Shalini also arrives at the scene and witnesses their heated exchange. Chiku claims to have done everything for Natasha. However, he feels that Makwana’s words seem to have a greater impact on Natasha. He taunts that Dhawal’s influence is preventing her from moving forward. She adds that Suman has played a significant role in making her self-reliant and helping her move on from Dhawal.
Shesh observes the conversation and leaves. Chiku doubts Natasha’s story and questions her about visiting Dhawal’s house. Natasha defends herself saying that she has friends and meets Dhawal without any hidden agenda. Chiku accuses her of lying, but Natasha reassures him that she is content in her own space. Amba witnesses their exchange and expresses her disapproval of her brother’s behavior. She wishes for a resolution to this ongoing problem caused by him. Meanwhile, Amrish is concerned about his reputation and frantically searches for the truck. The man informs him that Nandi ji will choose this year’s actors to play Shiv and Parvati at the festival.
Natasha recalls Chiku’s words as Dhawal approaches with a compliment about her amazing appearance. He inquires about her well-being, to which she responds by expressing her strength and capability to fight for herself. However, upon noticing Chiku’s presence, Dhawal suggests they go home and steal the papers. Natasha reasons that it is not feasible as Chiku has increased security at the gate since he saw Dhawal there yesterday. In another scene, Amba asks for one litre of milk but the man suggests getting 51 litres instead of the usual 21 for a religious offering. Hetal advises against it, saying they should be mindful of their expenses. While Chiku looks on with a smile, Amba scolds Hetal and orders her to go to Amrish for money.
As Hetal leaves, Amba agrees to take 15 liters and pay upon her return. Meanwhile, Amrish searches for a box in a truck as Shalini observes him curiously. At the same time, Hetal arrives at the scene. Natasha tells Chiku has expertly concealed the papers, so I requested Shesh to retrieve them. Nandi ji approaches Natasha. The gentleman announces that Nandi Ji has selected you for the role of Shiv Parvati in our play. All eyes turn towards Nandi ji. Amrish speaks up, wondering aloud about the whereabouts of the box. He begins searching for it, while Dhawal signals Natasha to take the clothes. The gentleman informs everyone that it’s time for the Makwana family to begin their puja.
The pandit inquires about Amrish’s presence, and Amba assures him that he’ll be here in just 5 minutes. In the meantime, Natasha calls Shashank and heads to the changing room. She shares a conversation with Shashank, who mentions being occupied with other tasks. She then invites him to join her at the temple, and he asks why she needs him there. As Dhawal also comes in to change his clothes, Natasha repeats her request while mentioning that she’s been waiting for him. Hearing this, Dhawal questions her and she quickly clarifies that she meant Shashank. When he asks who she was talking to earlier, she admits that she was