Pandya Store 10th April 2024 Written Update Natasha’s revelation. Suman shares her feelings of disappointment about not being able to celebrate Holi since the family’s departure. She also mentions the fact that Natasha won’t be able to visit Pandya’s house while Isha is unable to go to Makwana’s house. Mithu then arrives with gifts for the Makwanas and Suman asks him to deliver them since Chiku refuses to do so. Seeing Isha’s upset expression, Mithu suggests they do something nice for her. When Chiku declines, Suman reprimands him for his constant bitterness. Meanwhile, Isha receives an invitation for the bhoomi pujan at Pandya Store and informs Suman about it. Pranali tells Natasha that although her intentions were good, her approach was wrong.
Dolly adds that for once, the daughter-in-law’s decision is being supported. However, Hetal points out that this isn’t acceptance but rather a forced action on their part. Not wanting any more suggestions, Natasha firmly states that she can make her own decisions. This triggers Isha to provoke Chiku by mentioning how even Natasha goes against Suman’s decisions. In response, Chiku suggests that if Natasha can rebel against Suman, then the latter can’t call them wrong. He wants to find a job for himself. Mittu brings up the Makwana’s arrival, to which Amrish greets and congratulates them for finally getting work started at Pandya Store. While Suman attempts to talk to Natasha privately, Amba interrupts with a taunt.
Suman then directly confronts Natasha, scolding her for not understanding her words. She questions why Natasha made decisions without consulting her or bringing the Makwanas to the store when she knows Chiku has issues with them. Through tears, Natasha confesses that she was coerced into these actions by Amba. Amba orders Dhawal to check on both Natasha and Suman. Natasha reveals that Amba did all of this out of revenge because she feels like they are going against her due to Natasha’s actions. She also reveals how Amba has been blackmailing her with a video clip.
Amrish tells Yash that he can borrow money from him until his shop is reconstructed, but warns him not to resort to theft again. Suman is left in shock by the truth and wonders why God is testing Natasha in this way. Chiku and Amrish have a history of conflict, with Chiku accusing Amrish of dishonesty in obtaining land for his mall. This animosity has continued to escalate, as they frequently exchange taunts.
Isha, seeing Chiku being mistreated, decides to intervene by asking the Makwanas to leave. However, Suman and Natasha arrive on the scene just as a physical altercation between Amrish and Chiku breaks out. Chiku claims ownership of Pandya Store, along with Natasha, and demands that Amrish leave. Dhawal realizes that he needs to act quickly before things get out of hand. He suggests playing Holi with Natasha to distract them from their fight. As Natasha and Dhawal dance, Amrish takes advantage of the opportunity to ask Bhavin to remove Chiku from the situation. By dropping colors in his eyes and pulling him aside, Bhavin ends the fight between Chiku and Amrish.