Pandya Store 17th April 2024 Written Update Natasha loses Suman. Natasha arrives at the hospital with Dhawal to check on Suman and her brothers. The nurse informs her that they have already been discharged by the doctor. Upon returning home, Natasha is devastated to see Suman lying motionless while the neighbors are offering prayers for her. She remembers warning Shesh not to bring Suman home and scolds him for not listening. As she notices Shesh carrying Gangajal, she becomes angry and repeatedly slaps him. Natasha declares that Suman is still alive and questions why everyone is already mourning.
She tells Kanta that Suman is strong and will not give up easily. Natasha also removes the incense sticks from the room. She then cradles Suman’s head in her lap, with Mittu sitting beside her and Shesh joining them later. Together, they cry and pray for Suman’s recovery, but she remains lifeless. In a determined tone, Natasha proclaims that while others may lose hope, she will never give up on Suman. She adds that no one loves her as much as she does and she cannot bear losing her again. In a desperate plea, Natasha says that she will even die if anything happens to Suman. Natasha implores Suman to prove Kanta wrong and get up.
Natasha revives Suman:
Through tears, she begs Suman to wake up. Finally, Suman opens her eyes, catching the attention of Mithu. Excitedly, he informs Natasha and Sesh that Suman is awake. Dhawal arrives with a doctor. Pranali and Dolly feel remorseful for not listening to Natasha earlier. Hetal suggests that they set aside Natasha’s conditions and focus on helping Suman. Amrish joins them and explains that they cannot interfere in Natasha’s personal matters per their contract, as it could lead to her leaving with Dhawal – something he cannot risk.
Dolly’s good news:
Dolly suddenly feels queasy and rushes to the washroom. The doctor gives Natasha good news – despite the severe brain stroke, Suman has opened her eyes which is a positive sign. However, when Suman addresses her as Dhara, Natasha realizes something is amiss. The doctor explains that Suman’s stroke has caused her old memories to resurface, so they should observe her thoughts. Dhawal reassures everyone that they will support Suman’s recovery, along with Dhara and Gautam. Suman requests Natasha to massage her head, while Dolly experiences nausea and calls for Chirag. She signals him and shares the happy news of his impending fatherhood.
Dhawal is shaken by Amba’s truth:
The Makwana family expresses joy and congratulates the couple. Amba cries, expressing her disappointment at not being informed beforehand. Amrish consoles her and encourages her to celebrate becoming a grandmother again. He then reminds Bhavin to take inspiration from Chirag’s example. In a moment of vulnerability, Dhawal embraces Natasha and questions her lack of trust in him. He asks her who was actually behind the incriminating documents – herself or Amba? Natasha admits that she was being blackmailed by Amba, leaving Dhawal shocked. Dhawal will be seen confronting Amba about her evil games. He decides to shift to Pandya house.