Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update Jhanak accused

Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update Jhanak accused

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Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update Jhanak accused. Jhanak performs in Anirudh’s haldi ceremony but faints from dizziness. Choton and Anjana rush to help, while Bipasha insists Anirudh stay seated due to a ritual. Choton and Anjana revive Jhanak, who apologizes for the disturbance. Anjana insists Jhanak eat something, acknowledging she hadn’t eaten all day.

Anirudh wants to provide first aid, but Jhanak insists she’s fine. Despite a small cut, Bipasha dismisses it, and Anjana insists Jhanak eat. Choton tends to her wound. Anirudh’s ritual continues, and Arshi reminds him it’s her wedding day. Jhanak accidentally collides with Anirudh while bringing tea, resulting in a scolding. Arshi overhears and asks about the commotion, but Anirudh downplays it.

Bipasha insults Jhanak, ordering her to clean up and hurry as they prepare to leave. Anirudh reflects on their strained relationship, noting Jhanak’s silence and acceptance of her treatment. He calls Arshi again, expressing eagerness for their marriage and making Jhanak jealous by professing his love for Arshi.

Bipasha dresses Jhanak like a maid and orders servants to work hard. Anirudh watches as Jhanak silently complies, and Bipasha instructs her to take gifts for Arshi. Dadi urges them to leave quickly. Anirudh laments Jhanak’s passive acceptance of her role as a maid, wishing she would speak up.

Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update Jhanak accused

Jhanak questions Anirudh’s past support and wonders if he now views her as a maid. As preparations continue, Appu wants to join, but Anjana objects, believing Bipasha can’t manage her. Anirudh insists Appu come along, promising to take care of her. Appu feels betrayed by Jhanak’s departure. Bipasha prioritizes enjoying the function over managing Appu, but Anirudh reassures her.

In today’s episode, Anirudh is seen caring for Arshi, with Shrishti accusing Jhanak of neglecting Arshi’s future and happiness. She threatens Jhanak, but Mrinalini defends the latter, stating that she is a witness to Jhanak’s innocence. Who will Anirudh believe? Keep reading for Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update.

Jhanak 1st July 2024 Written Update Jhanak accused:

Appu tells Dadi that Anirudh will accompany her to Arshi’s house. Concerned, Dadi inquires about Choton. Tanuja and Shubh plead with Dadi to leave Choton behind, as he does not have a good income. Anirudh defends his uncle, stating that he is family. However, Tanuja stands firm in her statement. Later, Lal and Bipasha arrive at Arshi’s house and regret being late due to work obligations. Showing their support, they bring haldi for Arshi’s pre-wedding rituals. The group engages in conversation while waiting for Jhanak to arrive with more items from the car. When she finally arrives dressed as a maid, Arshi is excitedly curious about the items she brought for the wedding. Shrishti suggests having Jhanak help Arshi with preparations since there is so much to be done. In frustration, Shrishti raises her voice at Jhanak for taking so long to get ready.

Vinayak inquires Jhanak about her choice of saree, to which she explains that the maids had decided to wear the same saree. He comments that she stands out from the rest. Jhanak responds by saying that even though they may seem different, they are all equal as they are maids in his house.. This causes Vinayak to feel sorry for her. Bipasha then directs Jhanak to perform a ritual with Arshi. Once done, Jhanak asks Shrishti to keep the saree and jewellery used for the ritual. Meanwhile, Arshi mentions that her dance performance will be televised live on television for media coverage. Appu, who is upset, cries while a guy instructs the staff to complete their tasks on time. Appu tells him how no one took her along for the ritual and no one cares for her. The guy takes notice of Appu’s situation and asks about her identity as she continues to cry. Arshi carries on with her dance performance.

Jhanak watches as Arshi gracefully dances, triggering memories of her own union with Anirudh. Shrishti also joins in the dance with Arshi. The event reporter announces the bride as none other than Arshi Mukherjee and praises her for her stunning performance, which is being broadcast live. The audience erupts into applause, and even Shrishti showers Arshi with a hug. A man approaches Jhanak and inquires about her tears, to which she responds with a dismissive statement. He explains that he thought someone had harmed her, but she brushes it off and reveals that she was left out of the wedding festivities. She confides in him that going out is what brings her peace. In return, he advises her to return to her room if she needs to cry and reminds her that it’s his responsibility to oversee the pandal arrangements.

Jhanak suggests that he leave while she cries alone, but he persists until Appu enters their conversation. Shrishti speaks with the reporter about Anirudh and Arshi’s compatibility and praises both families for instilling good values in them. The reporter then turns towards Jhanak and asks for her thoughts on the couple’s togetherness. Jhanak expresses their confidence that they will have a happy future. The guy introduces himself as Lallon and offers Appu a toffee, but she declines, saying she doesn’t know him. However, she engages in conversation with him. Meanwhile, Shrishti puts haldi on Arshi’s face and does the rituals.

Arshi receives haldi from everyone as Jhanak watches, feeling somber. Appu inquires about the guy’s residence and he mentions living in the nearby area due to financial constraints. He urges Appu to head inside, but she expresses her reservations. Arshi interrupts and mentions that it is her special day and requests Jhanak to start applying Chandan on her. Arshi states her trust in Jhanak’s skills. As Jhanak finishes making her look presentable, everyone praises her work. Arshi thanks Jhanak and promises to always remember this moment as it signifies a turning point after a period of distress.

Jhanak questions if she will truly cherish the memory, and Arshi affirms it with gratitude towards Jhanak for helping ease her worries. Shrishti then interrupts with news of the groom’s arrival, only for Arshi to proudly declare that Jhanak was responsible for making her look flawless. Jhanak refuses any compensation offered by Shrishti for her services. She explains that having Anirudh admire Arshi’s appearance is all she needs as a reward. Shrishti understands and Arshi secretly thinks of teaching a lesson to Jhanak. What is Arshi upto? Stay tuned.






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