REMARKS: Little flaws in Alka’s love track
This show is like a sweet offered after the main course. It is very simple concept, but is gaining popularity with his talented fresh cast and its good twists. There is not much complex triangles in it, but just a few simple tracks to keep you glued to it. Alka, the eldest one of the Shastri Sisters, is playing around with everyone’s respect by getting involved in a love affair with her Kanpur boyfriend Rajeev, who runs a Kirana Store and does not have any good qualification to boast about or make Shastri ji agree to the proposal. Rajeev and Alka are quiet confident about their love and hope to get married soon. Their love story became a big problem for Shastri ji, as it’s a cause of his defamation which got influence by Minty’s loud laugh on him. Shastri ji regards Rajeev just as a grocery guy and has nothing to do with him. He is not aware that Rajeev landed in Delhi following Alka, but Minty has witnessed their love story spotting them in the park.
Its true love is blind, but its silly to fall in love with a grocery guy, who used to show his love by giving her free chocolates. Alka is hyped by the filmi romance and wants to feel it in her life. Rajeev looks a worn out lover, dumped by many and can’t bear the breakup again, so keeps threatening Alka to accept his love else he will die. Rajeev is a typical crazy fellow, whose love is not well defined yet and he just has Alka on his mind all the time. Their love story is blooming good, but Minty is the speed breaker. Will Alka prove to be weatherproof, or get lost in the wind posed by Minty?
Shastri ji has complete trust on his daughters and call them his pride. Minty taunts Alka indirectly asking her to accept her feelings, if any, as she will talk to her dad and convince him on her behalf. Alka gets nervous and lies again and again. She has become a great liar in her love and is cheating Shastri ji and his trust. Even the sisters are unaware of Alka’s act. Alka should have told them to get their support, but Minty is planning well to get Alka get slapped by Shastri ji, as she wants revenge from them for slapping her son Neil.
Minty tells Sareen and Shastri ji that she has a good proposal for Alka in her mind, and will take the talk further if Shastri ji nods yes. Alka does not answer, as she sees her dreams to marry Rajeev shattering. Shastri ji asks Minty to show some good proposals and she pops up the next day with some cool bios and pics. She asks Alka to finalize and then she will take care of the rest like fixing the meeting. Alka’s silence makes Shastri ji think its her yes. Will Alka take a step in professing her love or lose out Rajeev to keep her dad’s trust? Rajeev won’t be quiet if she does so, as he is mad about her and will force her to run away with him.
Rajeev and Alka’s tender love story, needs some maturity to make them think well, and not just like any teen lovers. Both look good together, but should have some potential, as their close up romantic scenes are also not so tempting to catch eye balls. The show has a good storyline, where Devyaani’s character being the boldest and the righteous one. It would be much interesting to see Devyaani falling in love with someone, as she is smart and will not give her heart to just any guy next door. Anushka balances the family with her maturity and being a mother figure to all her sisters. Alka really needs a brain and confidence, to decide which way she has to go and plan out how. Shastri Sisters is a good deal to spend time. Keep reading!!
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