Meethi Eid Zee5 Originals Paridhi Sharma starrer A teacher instructs the kids to leave the class if they haven’t done the homework. A girl Rahila accepts that she didn’t do her homework and bears the punishment. She leaves the class. Her best friend Geeta feels bad for her. The two girls Rahila and Jyoti share a bond of true friendship.
Rahila tells her that she doesn’t have a book to complete her homework, she will soon collect her Eidi on the coming Eid and buy books for herself. She makes big plans for the festive. Jyoti goes home with her mother, who is quite generous. She asks her mum why does she believe in charity.
Her mum tells her that its not their loss to donate some money, it will be beneficial for one whom they help. Jyoti wants to know about the Eidi money concept. The festive day arrives. Rahila waits for the Eidi and asks her mum for it. Rahila gets upset that her dad didn’t get salary from the factory. Her dad promises to give her Eidi on the same day when he receives his salary. She didn’t get any Eidi and hence couldn’t buy the books for the homework. Rahila gets punished once again. Jyoti feels bad and decides to give her notebook to Rahila.
She tells her mum that giving away a book to Rahila won’t be a loss for them, but will surely be beneficial for Rahila. Jyoti’s mum feels proud of her, that she has picked the right teachings and values from her. Jyoti goes to give the notebook to Rahil as a sweet Eidi, saving her from the daily punishment in the class. Rahila and Jyoti come from different communities, but prove that their soulful innocent friendship is over everything.
Source Zee5: Starring Paridhi Sharma, Dishita Sehgal, Kierra Soni, Shilpa Tiwari.
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