Pandya Store 12th December 2023 Upcoming. As Amba prays for Natasha’s departure from their home, Amresh inquires about her concerns. She responds by stating that whoever influenced Dhawal to pursue a divorce made the right decision. Amresh expresses doubt regarding Dhawal’s willingness to change his mind, as he has promised to give Pandya Store to Natasha in exchange for the divorce. Bhavin overhears their conversation and observes as Dhawal wipes off Natasha’s hairline. Natasha then mentions that there is still one unfinished task remaining. Once Amresh discloses his conversation with Dhawal to Amba, Bhavin questions the potential consequences of his decision, such as altering the design of their mall.
In response, Amba criticizes Bhavin for not utilizing his intelligence enough and continuously suffering losses in business. She suggests it is acceptable to sacrifice Pandya Store to maintain harmony within their family. However, Amresh assures them that he has a plan. Meanwhile, Natasha presents a bridal photo of herself and Dhawal that she wishes to gift him and hang up in their room together. Isha voices her disapproval of breaking relationships in such a manner, particularly since it may impact her relationship with Chiku as well. Isha contemplates her next move, debating whether to approach Chiku for advice. She ponders on the right words to use, considering the recent events involving Natasha and Dhawal’s divorce and the acquisition of Pandya Store.
As a result, Natasha tears their photo in half and gives Dhawal his share. She then proceeds to sprinkle vermillion on them both as she returns everything that belongs to him. Natasha cautions Dhawal to be careful with his future relationships, as his disregard for others’ feelings can ruin lives. In anger, he grabs her hand and pulls her outside, leaving behind a trail of vermillion footprints on the floor. At the Pandya residence, Suman explains the amendment she made to her will to the lawyer. Chiku inquires about the lawyer’s presence, while Mittu clarifies that they are in the process of creating a new will.
Additionally, Shesh expresses his dissatisfaction with simply leaving Natasha the store and chooses to also include their house in her inheritance. However, he is rebuked by Suman for speaking negatively about his sister. Suman then proposes naming all three siblings as beneficiaries to ensure that the tragic fate of Pandya Store does not repeat itself. She reminds them that it is their responsibility to take care of Natasha moving forward. Chiku assures Suman of her commitment to remain by Natasha’s side. Hetal implores Amba to intervene and stop Dhawal, but instead, she receives a scolding.
Natasha is forcefully pushed out of the Makwana house by Dhawal. She looks back at him with anguish as he shuts the gate behind her, reminiscent of when he had opened it for her before. Touching the ground for blessings, Natasha silently endures her pain. Dhawal smugly tells Amresh that the troubles in their house are now gone, showing little interest when Amresh tries to embrace him. Suman mournfully reveals to Natasha that the Makwanas took advantage of them and now they must face the consequences of their actions.