Minus *
Blunder on Blunder!! Thrashing on thrashing!! EMA is losing even its one remaining star now. Who cares for it now, post Ashish Chowdhry’s exit from the show. For you all to know, Ashish seems to be on a break and its just a temporary exit. We were initially guessing that Ashish too is in a mind frame of leaving the show, but did not write it formally, till he announced it. And he did yesterday night. 28th July brought this shocking tweet of Ashish taking off his shoulders from the huge burden of EMA, which makers directed to him post Rachana’s exit.
Ashish has confirmed it on twitter about his temporary exit (as of now, which may turn permanent if makers stick to their uncreative anti RagNa track).
It is good he came out of the sinking ship, being smart to swim away and moving on to prosperous islands, till the ship gets repaired….. Well, the fans of RagNa will be missing Ashish and Rachana in the show, but when things were not in their favor, what would we expect from them. As the makers has marked Rachana wrongly to make her exit easy, they got a good reaction by Ashish. Ashish has kept up his fan’s hearts by listening to their requests to leave that junkyard EMA and come out. Obviously, one can’t keep frying already fried food and fool people to show it’s really fresh. Rotten tomatoes smell really bad and this is the case of EMA right now. The show lost its uniqueness months ago and now broke million hearts by losing RagNa.
Why do the makers of the show feel they are the smartest and the rest are a bunch of idiots watching the show, or do they feel no one will raise a voice and keep accepting their poor storyline. Where are the creative writers? Why is everything so predictive in the show? We wrote about Kalpi should have used technology and recorded Pakhi’s truth and the makers really did that. Can’t believe this, LOL!! If they can take part of the advice seriously, then why not completely. Why don’t they unite RagNa?
About the current track of the show, Kalpi now knows the truth of how Pakhi cheated Raghav and is going on claiming of their soul union. Before she could bring Raghav out of his guilt and make him sit on the love thrown of her heart, she is kidnapped by Pakhi, making Raghav go dying to find her. Atlast when he gets his love, they meet with an accident, as plotted by the makers, to make Rachana leave the show by the facial surgery scheme and planting Asha Negi in her character and clothes. Raghav will go missing, to come back after Kalpi deals with her trauma alone. Who knows his character can be shown dead too, if Ashish does not plan a comeback. Maybe he too feels overcooked!! Go Raghav go, even give us some peace from your idiotic innocent sweet dumb head. We hope when you come back, you enter as the attitude thrower Raghav Singhania, the real dude. We hope you don’t don the same ‘’Bhai ji’’ personality. We will really miss you, and will rely on the memories from your helicopter landing entry to the final car accident scene!!
Ashish, whatever you do now, first check the creative talent of the makers and then sign on. Few words to the makers, we don’t wish to be harsh on you, we are not in a Love and Hate relationship, so just try to make people smile by your show and please don’t feel you will drag the show by the high criticism response you are getting. Take the viewers’ request seriously, else one day will come when you won’t have anyone to view the show and might end with just one work to freeze the snapshots of the show on the walls for self praisal and satisfaction. Apology for sounding rude, but may happen!! Keep TellyReviewing!!
Kudos to this blunt and really truthful article.
Criticism doesn’t mean attention. It means “get your act together”. Evidently, the makers lack even that much knowledge of English.
DJs will be soon left with the memories of a TRP party celebrated too soon!
Oh no……Ragna fans don’t want Ashish to come back to this gutter show…..if he’s taking a temporary leave we want it to become permanent…if its permanent then good riddance for him….our respect for him will increase so much more….So hoping he’ll make a wise decision…..All the best to our Ashna for their future endeavours…now we can forgo the show with out any burden on our hearts….and have some peace in our lives….pheww….
Aashish choudry is come my heart Is telling me oooooooooooh really I love man who make a happyness of love I like it
Thank you for this unbiased article top to end Telly reviews..somebody should always be there to speak the truth..As far as Ashish and Rachna are concerned..we are least worried about their future as ther works speaks volumes..no Tele buzz or Zee can bring down ther popularity..Zee can use some other way to cover up their goof ups.. #RIPEMA
wise decision ASHISH .we all stand with u and Rachna.Rip EMA.
I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. The business of little minds is to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. And that man is Ashish Choudhry.
You cannot kill truth; you cannot kill justice; you cannot kill what we are fighting for.”
Jean Dominique- Instead of being also ran u stood apart tried to find out who is right and which is correct though not expected u did it and so the entire genuine fandomain of Ashish and Rachna whole heartedly express our gratitude and hats off to ur matured and honest interview and we are glad that unlike other medias u self analysed things and posted them with facts and figures. The fans were taken for granted inumerable phone calls to the channel requesting them to get back EMA right in track never paid off. So many fans viewers home makers managed to learn and contact zee to give them ragna was only a joke for them. Instead of handling the fans views in a matured way they were made to run from pillar to post were kept in a suspended animation not able to infer what would be the course ofactions on the ongoing episodes in EMA.
The channel which telecasts shows purely for entertainment can flourish as long as the viewers are emtionally attached to it the moment they throw all the emtional sentis from the srls am cocksureTRPds will alwys be a limping duck be it any channel. Instead of cashing this zee tv just replied the fans so cooly and irresponsibly not to take it personally and keep watchng the shows. Yes fans nvr took it personally and that is why the hearthrobs ash and rachna made an exit from srl the former one was shown the way by the PHs and the latter he showed the way of exit for EMA to the PHs. This is a trend setter and has created history that a most popular hero who was cast in EMA 4 his popularity in blywood had never made hay while the sun shines but rather listened to the soulful voices of the sincere fans and decided to quit is a feather in his cap and this gesture of Ash has made the fans love him more with heart and soul . The PHs may be powerful by money power but without fans power no show can be a salable commodity in the market.
Le this be a lesson for the channel before they follow this filthy doctrine of replacements according to the wimps and fancies of the PHs they dont need any outsider for their shows to be doomed but they themselves shall do it . Lastly A kathak dancer Rachna Parulkar charge sheeted as unable to show emtions is the hall mark of their stupidity. we are not dwelling in a stone age this is a smart phone age and rachna’s episode videos can throw challenges to prove her acting skills given a chance to be judged by one who knows the spelling of acting. This untruthful act of the PHs made fans to know their true colours and now the show happily gonna bid adieu. THEY ARE GONNA VOUCH FOR THEIR SINS. ALWAYS WILL OF GOD PREVAILS.
Thank u for being netural. JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.
Excellent piece. You have spilled the beans. The DJ Production house comprises people who are not only denied brains but I think they are a bunch of fools who are jealous of the super success of their stars Ashish and Rachna. See Star Plus on the other hand when SmithI Irani became the central minister for nearly a week the channel telecast praising Irani and thats how the channel should be. But look at DJ Ashish said in his recent b’day interview that the ragna scenes are forced to keep by the creatives because of pressure from fans. What is wrong in it? DJ is a bunch of idiots who do not deserve to be in this field.
wise decision ashish
Gud job telly reviews as always but will respect aashish only if he does not come back to this senseless crap ema otherwise I will always think that he played too smart n took a temporary hiatus to appease the fans n not as a stand to support a superbly talented Rachana without whom even Ashishs scenes fall flat . So aashish bid a final adieu n you will hav my respect for life !!!!! Be man enough . Rachana is a tru star n she will always be kalpi for me . No one can ever replace her and if the channel hav some iota of sense (which unfortunately for them , they do not hav cvs djs ab toh jaago !! ) they will revamp the story with both ashish n rachana our one n only Ragna united n together taking revenge from all the kapoors n kalpi becoming successful . But this has to be with rachana n aashish only . No relplacement is acceptable . Otherwise it’s good riddance ema . No rachana no ema . Cvs can go jump off a cliff n aashish for once be MAN enough n pleasantly surprise ur fans . Life is not always about money !!!
Thanks to telly review u doing fabulous Job.True always couldn’t hide..well there are so many article, tweets,Fb pages that open only for rachana when we have shocked by rachana replacement in ek mutthi aasmaan.But why DJ’S creative of EMA keep silent and continue doing the replacement.How can they be so egoist. They should know without fans they can’t go far.And ya if Ashish seriously quit from show I’m so happy because he only suit for rachana that play kalpi role none others. Well if it was temporary break and if he come back to EMA better ashish No Need To Give that kind of statement. No rachana No EMA .Ragna really close to us..we never see yet kalpi dream come true there always have twist which is kalpi dream always be adurah.Really hope Ashish Chowdhry won’t come back to EMA we cant see him romance with Asha negi.For god sake….
I hope now Ema unit should understand what they have lost and future what is waiting for them to lose
Miss u both veery much no one 2 replace ragna ,grt dreams ahead 4 your future
My Dear Friends, and AashNa’s RagNa Fans,
In any posts, please always comment and mention of ONLY about AshNa’s RagNa, and Please never post any comment either for or against the ongoing story track of EMA or about theat Vamp Pakhi track;
Again Requesting all my Good Friends and EMA Viewers and AshNa lovers, that please do not comment any thinh on the present ongoing story track of EMA Serial!!
Always and any coment of ours should only talk about the AshNa and demanding the Come Back of RachaNa &Aashish in EMA;
Demanding Aashish &Rachana & their AshNa’s RagNa in EMA (and nothing else, with out posts/comments on episodes now) is the ONE AND ONLY WEAPON left with us to force the EMA Makers to bring our AshNa in EMA; !!
Also, reqesting all our friends not to watch the EMA Episode on TV at its prime time at 7pm andPlease Totally BOYCOTT Watching EMA now at its prime time at 7pm(IST) , thus let it affect its TRPS doen to drains, and let EMA realise our unhappiness and discontent with its present twists and our viewers apprehensions towards removing AshNa in EMA now.!!
Dear lovely friends;
Kindly co-operate and post comment only to demand AshNa always and Boycott totally EMA at prime time and also post only after late night onwards, about EMAá RagNa by AshNa only , always,
we wont accept another Kalpi.we fall inlove to Ragna and we cant see Raghav to Asha its hurting me so much.Ashish please dont comeback to Ema we want only Ragna.Ema you dont know what you lost.
Thank you tellyreviews for this very nice tribute. ONly Ashish Chowdhry and Rachana Parulkar as RagNA…
Good going ashish exit out with ema. Only good news I heard 2day. Sorry ema died long back.
Thank you tellyreviews for this very nice tribute.
Good going ashish exit out with ema. Only good news I heard 2day. Sorry ema died long back.
Dear EMA Production House ; &
Dear my EMA Viewer Friends.;
Kindly note that.;-
What a Ridiculous and Stupid twist and story lines of EMA in its present ongoing story scripted line, which has now ousted Ms. Rachana Perulkar, the winner of Most Popular TV Channel Actor- Female Title for consecutively several months, & also seems that the lead actor Mr. Aashish Chaudhary , the Winner of most popular actor male Title for several months, is also seems to have made up his mind to leave EMA !! ;
To add to these, both Rachana’s & Aashish’s superb On secreen chemistry with their superb acting skills and awesome , real like expressions talents have made them to win the title of “Best and Most Popular ON SCREEN COUPLE/JODI in the TV Channels; ” too for several months;
So, EMA PH, Till you bring back both Rachana & Aashish as AshNa for their RagNa in EMA, All Your Viewers have now BOYCOTTED THE WATCHING OF EMA’s ON GOING VAMP PAKHI TRACKS AND EMA’s UPCOMMING EPISODES TOO, together with boycotting of any comments or posts about EMA’s ongoing episodes too, and thus ;
TO LET the EMA’s TRPs to DOWN FALL into Drains/Drainage and also into Negative TRPs.; Negative TRPS to EMA is WELL DESERVING, as,
SO, NEGATIVE TRPs to Negative story track is WELL DESERVED FOR EMA !!;
Well done Aashish! This shows ur respect towards ur co-star Rachna. We will miss both of u a lot……….. No Aashish n Rachna , no EMA. Go 2 hell EMA. Good bye EMA.
Ema is sick n disgusting!!!!!! Run ashish Run!
We family watching EMA because of Beautiful Rachana and Best performer Ashish , Now their is no Rachana no Ashish no RAGHANA no EMA,, EMA and ZEE tv you lost your viewers faith and love. instead of entertain g ZEE and EMA team broken our hearts.
Forever Rachana and Ashish BEST JODI and BEST ACTORS,
we want to see our RAGHANA – (RACHANA – ASHISH) no one take their place.
Only – Rachana can be our Kalpana , Ashish can be our Raghav. we want to see them together,