Poll – Tribute to Ashish and Rachana via Poems
After learning from Rachana’s unexpected and unfair exit from EMA, yesterday we came to know of another shocker of Ashish’s temporary exit which might be permanent as well. We would like to give a small tribute to the magical and eternal pair on behalf of Rachana and RagNa fans worldwide by presenting a compendium of romantic poems. These poems capture their immense and amazing chemistry, exceptional acting and emotions that they showered to us. For us, their eternal Jodi have the same chemistry and charm as that of SRK and Kajol on Indian Television and moreover Rachana’s acting talent is compared to that of late legendary actress Smita Patil which speaks volume of her talent. After the poems, you will also find a Poll where you can choose romantic poems which matches them and also there are some facts and looking ahead statements about them. We gave a try in writing this post so as to shower Ashish and Rachana the love which they truly deserves. We still have a ray of hope that the channel will re-instate them and shower them with respect and dignity, and also giving respect to Rachana and RagNa fans.
Brink of Eternity by Ranbindranath Tagore
In desperate hope I go and search for her
in all the corners of my room;
I find her not.
My house is small
and what once has gone from it can never be regained.
But infinite is thy mansion, my lord,
and seeking her I have to come to thy door.
I stand under the golden canopy of thine evening sky
and I lift my eager eyes to thy face.
I have come to the brink of eternity from which nothing can vanish
—no hope, no happiness, no vision of a face seen through tears.
Oh, dip my emptied life into that ocean,
plunge it into the deepest fullness.
Let me for once feel that lost sweet touch
in the allness of the universe.
Brink of Eternity (अनंत काल के कगार) by Ranbindranath Tagore in Hindi
हताश आशा में मुझे जाना है और उसके लिए खोज
मेरे कमरे के हर कोने में;
मैं उसे नहीं लगता है.
मेरा घर छोटा है
और क्या यह एक बार से चला गया है आ जा कभी नहीं कर सकते हैं.
लेकिन अनंत,, मेरे प्रभु तेरा हवेली है
और उसकी मांग मैं तेरा दरवाजे पर आ गए हैं.
मैं तेरा शाम आकाश के स्वर्ण मंडप के नीचे खड़े
और मैं तेरा चेहरा लिए मेरी उत्सुक आँखें उठा.
मैं कुछ भी नहीं गायब हो सकते हैं, जहां से अनंत काल के कगार पर आ गए हैं
— कोई उम्मीद नहीं, कोई खुशी, आँसू के माध्यम से देखा एक चेहरे की कोई दृष्टि.
ओह, यह समुद्र में मेरे खाली जीवन डुबकी,
गहरी परिपूर्णता में यह फ़ैसला.
मुझे एक बार खो दिया है कि मिठाई स्पर्श महसूस के लिए करते हैं
ब्रह्मांड की पूर्णता में.
Romantic Phrases by Mirza Ghalib
Tum Mere Paas hota Ho Gaya
Jab Koi Doosra Nahin HotaAs if you are with me, just when,
There is no one else around me.
Nurturing your pining heart
In utter solitude it is
That in love you now sit forlornAt last it is here
I receive recompense
For the anguish I endured so long
Lest you feel
O’ generous saqi
That a mere trifle
Satisfies my appetites,
I do not air the secretes kept
Through many a festive revelry
That dregs of wine
Forever shall suffice for me.
Eternal love by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer in Spanish
Podrá nublarse el sol eternamente;
Podrá secarse en un instante el mar;
Podrá romperse el eje de la tierra
Como un débil cristal.
¡Todo sucederá!
Podrá la muerte
cubrirme con su fúnebre crespón;
pero jamás en mí podrá apagarse
la llama de tu amor
Eternal love by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer in English
It may cloud the sun forever;
It may dry in an instant the sea;
It may break the axis of the earth
As a weak crystal.
Everything will happen!
It will result in death
cover me with its funereal crepe;
but you can never shut me
the flame of your love
Hora tras hora, día tras día, (Hour after hour, day after day) by Rosalía de Castro In Spanish
Hora tras hora, día tras día,
entre el cielo y la tierra que quedan
eternos vigías,
como torrente que se despeña
pasa la vida.
Devolvedle a la flor su perfume
después de marchita;
de las ondas que besan la playa
y que una tras otra besándola expiran
recoged los rumores, las quejas,
y en planchas de bronce grabad su armonía.
Tiempos que fueron, llantos y risas,
negros tormentos, dulces mentiras,
¡ay!, ¿en dónde su rastro dejaron,
en dónde, alma mía?.
Hour after hour, day after day by Rosalía de Castro In English
Hour after hour, day after day,
between heaven and earth than are
eternal sentinels,
like a stream that plunges
life happens.
Return a flower perfume
after wither;
waves kissing the beach
and one after another kissing expire
gather rumors, complaints,
and engrave on bronze harmony.
Times that were, tears and laughter,
black torments, sweet lies,
Alas, where is the trail left,
where, O my soul.
Don’t go Far Off Poem by Pablo Neruda
“Don’t go far off, not even for a day,
because I don’t know how to say it – a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in
an empty station when the trains are
parked off somewhere else, asleep.
Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because then
the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.
Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve
on the beach, may your eyelids never flutter
into the empty distance. Don’t Leave me for
a second, my dearest, because in that moment you’ll
have gone so far I’ll wander mazily
over all the earth, asking, will you
come back? Will you leave me here, dying?”
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
Victor Hugo’s Poem – Elle était déchaussée, elle était décoiffée in French (In english: She was barefoot, she was disheveled)
Elle était déchaussée, elle était décoiffée,
Assise, les pieds nus, parmi les joncs penchants ;
Moi qui passais par là, je crus voir une fée,
Et je lui dis : Veux-tu t’en venir dans les champs ?
Elle me regarda de ce regard suprême
Qui reste à la beauté quand nous en triomphons,
Et je lui dis : Veux-tu, c’est le mois où l’on aime,
Veux-tu nous en aller sous les arbres profonds ?
Elle essuya ses pieds à l’herbe de la rive ;
Elle me regarda pour la seconde fois,
Et la belle folâtre alors devint pensive.
Oh ! comme les oiseaux chantaient au fond des bois !
Comme l’eau caressait doucement le rivage !
Je vis venir à moi, dans les grands roseaux verts,
La belle fille heureuse, effarée et sauvage,
Ses cheveux dans ses yeux, et riant au travers.
Victor Hugo’s Poem – “She was barefoot, she was disheveled” in English
Her shoes were pulled off, her hair undone,
She was sitting barefoot among the leaning rushes,
As I passed by, I thought I had seen a fairy
And asked her: would you like to go for a stroll in the fields?
She looked at me with this supreme look
That beauty bares in all her glory,
And I said, “Would you like – since it’s the month of love –
Would you like to go with me under the dense forest?
She wiped her feet on the grass of the bank;
She looked at me a second time,
And the playful beauty then turned pensive.
Oh, how the birds sang in the depths of the woods!
How gently the water caressed its banks!
I saw come to me, through the tall green reeds,
The beautiful girl, happy, frightened and wild,
Her hair in her eyes, and laughing through it.
Touched by an angel by Maya Angelou
We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.
Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.
We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.
Poll: Tribute to Ashish and Rachana via Poems
[polldaddy poll=8213879]
Additionally: Tributes from Rachana, RagNa and AshNa’ Fans:
* From Meena:
Tum mujhe yun bhula na paoge
jab kabhi bhi sunoge geet mere
sang sang tum bhi gungunaoge
han tum mujhe yun…..
* Image Edit from RagNa and AshNa fan: vivawoike. Her Twitter page.
They will always remain in my hearts forever ,i will really miss u both ,grt greams 4 your future
Thank u so much meena for this yes they are unforgettable..the bestest tv jodi ever..for me they are more than even sharuk and kajol..RAGNA n ASHNA will be there in my heart forever
ragna hamesha mere dil me rahege.kash me ragna(ashish or rachana)ko ek sath dekh pati.ema valo ne humare ragna ko ek nahi kiya.best jodi of indian t.v.
Forever they would be in my heart I love this Jodi they are the best Jodi and hope a TV channel other than ZEE sees what fans are talking about bring them back in another show together, their chemistry on and off screen is impeccable and had they given a better chance in EMA they would have bring the show to the top it’s a great loss for ZEE and DJ’s Creatives and they will realize it sooner or later.
It will be difficult to find another RagNa like Ashish and Rachana. They are one of a kind…..Just Too Good.
Both Ashish and Rachana superb actors…..Pray for their success in better and bigger projects.. They deserve better..
Thank you Telly Reviews… What a beautiful tribute to RagNa/AshNa.. You guys are the best..
Lovely selection of poems. Thanks Telly reviews. Hope to Ashish and Rachana again in better shows..
They would be in my heart forever .All their memories will be cherished and just love them .They have become part of my life and will always be ..would love to see them again together …Love you Rachana and Ashish always
There is no replacement for them.Ragna is RAGHAV aka Ashish and Kalpi aka Rachana.Thank u for the beautiful article.
This mesmerizing jodi of Raghav and Kalpi made eternal by Ashish Chowdhry and Rachana Parulkar stole our hearts. Wish to see them together in a show soon
there can never be another RAGNA other than Ashish & Rachana
There are reasons 4 this Ashna jodi be compared to SRK &Kajol. SRK started his life from small screen and it is his this experience made him governthe hearts of millions. Rachna with kajol , kajol is h short ¬ a so stunningly beautiful face yet clicked in box office only bcz of her boundless talents same way Rachna’s facial expressions her way of portrayng klpi with ease comfort and at the same time empatic is not an easy task, and Rachna being a dancer expressins are born 2 be portrayed by her is no flattery at all. An artist is one who can express a thousand pages of dialogue in just an eye contact in a fractin of second and in tht Rachnas eyes spks volumes. One can nver forget Smita Patil in Bhoomika and Ardh. Like Smita Rachna does not need any extra accessories to portray her beauty as her eyes will do for her to bring alll the expressions one whole body can not portray this does not come to all one shd be natually gifted with such talents. Rachnas fans were terribly upset more not becs of her quit or made to quit but having been working together for so many months none of her co artist except Ashish Chowdhry and a technian who is in n way related to the dias of acting wished her goodluck, and bid her adieu with a heavy heart. Most of Ashna’s fans realised this tht even after fans pointing out that her co artists never for namesake atleast had the least courtesy to bewith her to share her sorrows. We are aware of the fact that this industry is like this and if her co artist had no enemity or jealous over Rachna’s talents shd hv rose to the occassion and could hve tweeted to the fans that they were helpless & dnt hve the voice to control the situaitions,but no one (excepting Ashish ) ever had the humaitarian outlook to greet their ex crew member 4 her future assingnments, perhps they had to save their skins.
Lastly a talented artist even if she is an enemy shd be treated and given a warm send off but was falsly accused of unbearable charges that Rachna has no acting skills and an artist like Rachna to go out of the srl EMA onsuch a note is a painful thot. Any way there are number of fans praying for Rachna whre ever she is and tht soulful prayers of ours will be heard by the almighty.
Thank you tellyrivews for standing by Ragna and their fans.It is difficult to see someone else to see Raghav and Kalpi other than Ashish and Rachana. We are still in a denial stage.We only can pray that Zee and PH will reconsider their decision and bring Rachana and Ashsish back to EMA as Raghav and Kalpi.
what an brilliant article…loved it.will miss u ashish and rachna.wish we get to see u on other show very soon.
Thank you telly review once again for superb tribute to the superb jodi ever seen in tv history. We salute you telly reviews for supporting us and respecting our views on our beloved ragna/ashna . Now onwards I really don’t want to see any serial as already lost interest. Or you can say after seeing the standard and class which is set by ashish and rachana through their acting, communication between their eyes, gesture , showing concern and love through their body language just can’t forget their expression I really don’t find any couple on tv where they will make us to glue with serial. Plzzz plzzz get our ragna back.
Telly Reviews,
Dear &EMA AshNa’s RagNa supporter,
Please pass on the below comments to the Production House of EMA for and on behalf of all of us Viewers and AshNa lovers, and kindly ensure EMA Creativity Unit of DJ’s to re-instate the superb actors viz. Aashish and Rachana in EMA and to have only and one and only their AshNa’s RagNa in EMA and for ever. AAshNa lovers and EMA Viewers no one likes to have or watch any replacement of either Rachana or Aashish for RagNa in EMA under any circumstances ; And so now,EMA shouls have at any cost only AshNa’s RagNa in EMA :: The summary of EMA Viewers and RagNa’s friends comments posted as under :-
My Dear Friends, and AashNa’s RagNa Fans,
In any posts, please always comment and mention of ONLY about AshNa’s RagNa, and Please never post any comment either for or against the ongoing story track of EMA or about theat Vamp Pakhi track;
Again Requesting all my Good Friends and EMA Viewers and AshNa lovers, that please do not comment any thinh on the present ongoing story track of EMA Serial!!
Always and any coment of ours should only talk about the AshNa and demanding the Come Back of RachaNa &Aashish in EMA;
Demanding Aashish &Rachana & their AshNa’s RagNa in EMA (and nothing else, with out posts/comments on episodes now) is the ONE AND ONLY WEAPON left with us to force the EMA Makers to bring our AshNa in EMA; !!
Also, reqesting all our friends not to watch the EMA Episode on TV at its prime time at 7pm andPlease Totally BOYCOTT Watching EMA now at its prime time at 7pm(IST) , thus let it affect its TRPS doen to drains, and let EMA realise our unhappiness and discontent with its present twists and our viewers apprehensions towards removing AshNa in EMA now.!!
Dear lovely friends;
Kindly co-operate and post comment only to demand AshNa always and Boycott totally EMA at prime time and also post only after late night onwards, about EMAá RagNa by AshNa only , always,
Dear Telly Reviews;
Kindly pass on to EMA the below comments of its viewers and bring back AshNa in EMA for RagNa;
My Dear Friends, and AashNa’s RagNa Fans,
In any posts, please always comment and mention of ONLY about AshNa’s RagNa, and Please never post any comment either for or against the ongoing story track of EMA or about theat Vamp Pakhi track;
Again Requesting all my Good Friends and EMA Viewers and AshNa lovers, that please do not comment any thinh on the present ongoing story track of EMA Serial!!
Always and any coment of ours should only talk about the AshNa and demanding the Come Back of RachaNa &Aashish in EMA;
Demanding Aashish &Rachana & their AshNa’s RagNa in EMA (and nothing else, with out posts/comments on episodes now) is the ONE AND ONLY WEAPON left with us to force the EMA Makers to bring our AshNa in EMA; !!
Also, reqesting all our friends not to watch the EMA Episode on TV at its prime time at 7pm andPlease Totally BOYCOTT Watching EMA now at its prime time at 7pm(IST) , thus let it affect its TRPS doen to drains, and let EMA realise our unhappiness and discontent with its present twists and our viewers apprehensions towards removing AshNa in EMA now.!!
Dear lovely friends;
Kindly co-operate and post comment only to demand AshNa always and Boycott totally EMA at prime time and also post only after late night onwards, about EMAá RagNa by AshNa only , always,””
Dear Telly Reviews,
All your poems and lirics are superb and awesome as all are truelly reciprocating the Chemistry between Aashish and Rachana as RagNa in EMA;
We all EMA vIEWERS HOPE that atleast now the production house of EMA should realise and understand by noe what it is lossing by making both Rachana and Aashish to Quit the EMA, and we all hope that now EMA’s Production House will make its all out efforts to Rerurn AshNa of its viewers and will bring back Aashish &Rachana for their RagNa in EMA;
All the Best to you dear Telly reviews for your continued efforts to return AshNa along with the Viewers in EMA;
Thanks for your appreciation. We also hope for their comeback and RagNa reunion if not we hope to see them together on-screen on some other channel. best !
We will miss Ashish and Rachana.. There will never be another RagNa like these two…They are unique..just too good.. Hope to see them in better projects soon..
Thanku so much for support and love Plz write more aricle so that blind zee can see this.
Miss u ragna no wan can replace ur place guys..really touching poem..y cnt der do happy ending..feel want to cry…
Thank you for this amazing article Telly reviews. Ragna will be dearly missed by thousands of fans all over the world. Their on screen and off screen chemistry and superb. It’s sad to see that the channel as well as the creatives could not appreciate their talent and make this serial a hit. Rachana will always be remembered as Kalpana and no one can ever take her place. All we have now are beautiful memories of Ragna and they will be forever cherished. I hope to see them on television together as the leads of a show where they are respected and treated well. It’s so heartbreaking to see this journey come to an end 🙁 All the best to Rachana and Ashish…you both will be missed
Pingback: Rachana Parulkar – A Fine Example of the Human Spirit | TellyReviews
It will always be :(( no more ema 4 me .Don’t even know what’s going on now on ema as no rachana ragav
I am happy that kalpana left the show,but i am more happier that the Handsome Hero Raghav also left. Can’t imagine Raghav without Kalpana in Ema. They are made for each other and the other producers should take this opportunity to cast them together. It will be a big hit. Ragna or Ashnas memory is still fresh in viewers mind. So bring them together for Gods sake. In another show. Let the show be a happy one. I am dying to see them together. I am sure lot of viewers would have stopped watching the show Ema. Good for the Producers .They will face loss over loss. By bringing Ashanegi they the ( creative ) thing the show will become a hit. Asha by herself is a very good actress but can’t replace Kalpanas role. Kalpi is Kalpi, so also with Raghav.Ragna is parexcellence. No body can match them It is futile to do their role. Sorry about it but that is the ultimate truth. Only wish AshaNegis fame doesn’t go down by doing this role. She is complete only with Rithvik, After pavithrarishtas excellent performance hope this role doesn’t belemish her. Best of luck Purvi. I was a big Fan of Ashvik now I am a big Fan of Ragna. They are Great. Long live Ashna. Looking forward to see you both soon. Love you both and wish you all the best.
raghav is ashish n kalpi is rachana forever n no replacements. we never wanna imagine anybody other than these two
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