Thapki and her entire family go for doing Chhath puja. An important paper falls in the river. Thapki does puja for her lost child. She was praying with her pregnancy report. Kosi falls lazy to do puja for Bihaan and thinks to pass their puja plate to Thapki.
The report flies in air and gets in river. Thapki jumps in the water to get the report. Kosi and Vasundara kept the puja for Bihaan, as mothers do Chhath puja for sons. Thapki did the puja for her child. Thapki gets the report and realizes she is in middle of the water. She starts sinking and struggles to come on surface of the water. Kosi and everyone shout seeing Vaani sinking. Kosi asks Bihaan to save Vaani. Pandey family worries for Thapki/Vaani. They all did not know why Vaani jumped in the river. Bihaan gets heroic and jumps in the river to save Vaani. Bihaan gets Thapki and saves her. Bihaan does not know of their lost child, and Thapki doing puja for unborn child.