Meera is back in family. Vidya gets soup for her. She calls Dharam to explain Meera. Dharam hugs Meera and behaves nicely. Meera gets angry and throws the soup. She feels nobody cares for her, and just show fake concern, else they would have not left me alone. She can’t bear Gopi giving value to Sita more than her. She feels she is unwanted in everyone’s life and cries. She thinks she will fight alone and does not need anyone.
Meera gets angry on Dharam and Vidya. Meera sheds tears. She is not able to see Dharam and Vidya’s love. She is upset that Dharam also did not try to find her. Meera got hatred in heart again. Meera is hurt by Dharam and Modi family. Gaura has brainwashed Meera. The words of Modis echo in Meera’s ears that Sita is more important than Meera. Meera thinks what to expect from Gaura when her own family cheated her.
Meanwhile, Kokila comes to meet Gaura. Kokila slaps Gaura. Gaura asks her the reason for the slap. Kokila asks her to stop her nonsense. Kokila brings Gaura’s truth in front of Dharam. Kokila says Gaura has killed Ahem and attacked on Urvashi, just Gaura is behind all this. She has saved Meera and got her back home. Kokila does not bear Gaura, who has been doing wrong always. She tells Dharam and Shravan about Gaura’s truth. Gaura cries and fools Dharam. Dharam stops Kokila and tells he believes his mother. Kokila leaves from Gaura’s house. Gaura is happy seeing Meera going against her family. Gaura will be using this situation. Meera will turn negative in the coming track. Keep reading.