The doctors declare Ishita dead. The family mourns for Ishita’s death. Raman succeeds to save Ishita’s body by stopping the autopsy, when Ishita pleads them to leave her body. She doesn’t want them to destroy her body, as she still has a living soul in her. Her near to dead state fails her to connect with anyone. Ishita pleads to Raman to save her, as she is not dead, she is alive. The family keeps her cremation ceremony and sheds tears for their big loss. Raman reaches there on time and stops them from concluding the final rites. Her funeral pyre gets close to ignition, when Raman hears Ishita’s call from her heart. He removes the wooden sticks from Ishita’s body.
Raman proves his true love, even when Ishita is flushed out of his memory. Romi and Bala stop Raman. They think Raman is getting emotional. They ask Raman to let them do the final rites. Raman shouts on them. Raman lifts and takes Ishita with him. The family runs after him to stop. While the family is shattering with Ishita’s death, Raman refuses to believe them. Raman knows she is not dead. He asks the family to trust him once, as he knows Ishita can never leave him. How will Raman get her back to living state? Keep reading.