Anupama Namaste America 6th May 2022 Written Update Vanraj reaches out of Shah house. He sees that it’s already 10:30 AM and thinks that now Anupama can’t reach the Visa office on time. Anupama and Hasmukh are seen stuck in a traffic jam. Anupama asks Hasmukh, if she should leave the auto. Hasmukh asks Anupama, how she will walk so far as the Visa office is still much distance away. Anupama tells Hasmukh that she can’t stay away from her dreams now. At Shah house, Vanraj enters the house and apologizes to Dhamecha family for getting late. He explains that he got late as he had some important work in the office today.
Moti Baa asks Vanraj to sit and finalize everything about Dolly’s marriage. Vanraj sits on the sofa and asks Anupama to bring water. Dolly serves water to Vanraj. Vanraj asks Dolly why she brought water, where is Anupama. Leela tells Vanraj that Anupama went to the embassy with Hasmukh. This shocks Vanraj. He thinks that Leela sent him to the office and called the groom’s family. Vanraj thinks if Anupama reaches the Visa office on time, his and Leela’s all efforts will go in vain. On the other hand, Hasmukh asks Anupama to go and win the world. Anupama thanks Hasmukh and leaves. She runs on the road to get some help/lift to reach the Visa office on time.
Baa and Vanraj feel worried thinking if their plan will work or fail. On the other hand, Anupama finally gets help/lift from a person wearing Lord Krishna’s outfit. Anupama folds hands in front of this person, considering her to be an avatar of Lord Krishna. She sits with this person and Anupama thanks her and God. At Shah house, Moti Baa tells Vanraj and Leela that the Dhamecha family seems nice and a plus point is that they are allowing Dolly to study further after marriage. She tells Dolly that it’s a yes from the Shah family. Moti Baa asks Dolly, what is her consent as it also matters. Dolly tells Moti Baa that she will be fine with her and family’s decision.
Moti Baa explains to Dolly to never let anyone decide her fate. She says that the person whose fate is at stake, should make a decision. Dolly says yes to Sanjay’s marriage proposal. Leela, Moti Baa and Vanraj feel happy. Anupama and Hasmukh return home, upset. Everyone asks Anupama how her interview went. Anupama tes Moti Baa that she failed. This makes Leela and Vanraj happy while others feel bad for Anupama. Anupama keeps on telling Moti Baa that she failed miserably. Little Samar and Paritosh also start crying, seeing their mother crying. Dolly takes kids inside.
Anupama tells Moti Baa that she reached the Visa office on time but got nervous. She tells everyone that she failed to utter a sentence even. Anupama says she got very scared as till now, nobody asked her anything in English. She tells Moti Baa that when she was asked to tell her name, she said, “My Name is Vanraj Shah”. Anupama asks how can a woman, who can’t even say her name correctly in English, go to America? Vanraj politely tells Anupama that it’s fine, it happens. Anupama expresses her guilt to Vanraj, by telling him that she failed to give him returns in exchange of his support towards her. She apologizes to Vanraj.
Anupama tells Vanraj that she ruined/messed up, such a big opportunity given by his boss to her. Vanraj tells Anupama that he will explain to his boss and asks her to not worry. Anupama apologizes to Moti Baa, Hasmukh and Dolly for ruining their efforts. Vanraj keeps smiling in happiness. Moti Baa asks Anupama to stop crying. Leela gives water to Anupama and tells that Dolly’s wedding is almost finalized. Anupama drinks water. Vanraj tells Anupama that one way her bad interview brought something. He explains to Anupama that now everyone will prepare for Dolly’s wedding together. Leela says very less time is left as Dolly’s wedding date is next month.
Anupama wipes her tears. She says that they should focus on Dolly’s wedding at present as Lord Krisha will send her to the US, whenever he wishes to. Vanraj makes Anupama have sweets. He eats the ladoos happily. Vanraj meets Paritosh. He calls his Boss and tells him that Anupama didn’t do well in her visa interview and thus she won’t be able to go to the US. While talking to his boss, Vanraj puts the toy doll inside the castle made of toy blocks. He tells his boss that Anupama botched up her interview so badly that there is no way that the Visa office will grant her a visa. Boss tells Vanraj that they haven’t received the official results till now/yet.
Vanraj tells his boss that the result will be obviously bad as Anupama can’t do such big jobs, being a simple housewife. He says Anupama won’t be able to go to the US. Boss tells Vanraj that he sounds like he doesn’t want to send Anupama to the US. Looking at the doll, stuck inside the toy castle, Vanraj tells his boss that he has always supported Anupama. After 2 weeks, Anupama is seen busy with her household chores and Dolly’s wedding preparations. She asks money from Vanraj by telling him that she needs to buy ingredients to make sweets and other stuff at home. Vanraj tells Anupama that he will withdraw some cash from the bank, when he will step out.
Anupama thinks that she needs to make herbal paste for Dolly as the latter will glow by applying it daily. An American flier falls down with some stuff. Anupama recalls how she got the opportunity to go to America and she messed it up. She cries and little Samar wipes Anupama’s tears, requesting her to not cry. Anupama tries to cheer up herself with Samar. On the other hand, Vanraj visits Ritika. Ritika takes Vanraj inside. She makes him sit on the bed and sits on his lap. Vanraj makes Ritika get down from his lap and requests her to not do this as he didn’t come for it. Ritika pulls Vanraj to herself and tries to seduce him.
She asks Vanraj to come to the US with her. Ritika tells Vanraj that a new world is waiting for them in the US. Vanraj tries to get away from Ritika. Ritika tells Vanraj that even he knows that he loves her. She asks Vanraj to come to the US with her and send money to his family from there. Ritika tells Vanraj that he doesn’t even need to divorce Anupama. She tells Vanraj that not Anupama but she is made for him. Vanraj asks Ritika to shut up and tries leaving her house. At Shah house, Anupama feels dizzy and faints. Kids and family run to unconscious Anupama and try to wake her up.
At Ritika’s house, Ritika tells Vanraj that he can reject her and she won’t let him go. She threatens Vanraj to not dare, leave her. Vanraj tells Ritika he also got hurt just like her, when she left him alone. He tells Ritika that now it’s her turn. Vanraj asks Ritika if she thinks that she can reject and entice him as she pleases. He says only the ones with a leash around their neck do this. He tells Ritika that he is the jungle lion, who doesn’t wear a leash around his neck. He receives his boss’s call, who shocks him by telling him that Anupama has got the Visa for the US. Ritika tells Vanraj that she heard everything as his phone’s voice was very loud.
She hugs Vanraj by telling him that Anupama is going away from him, while she is coming closer to her. Vanraj feels angry. At Shah house, Leela is seen preparing food. She feels irritated thinking that everyone took Anupama to a doctor, just for fainting. Leela says in earlier days, mother-in-laws used to wake up their unconscious daughter-in-laws by harshly, sprinkling water on their face. She says mother-in-laws also used to slap and question their daughter-in-laws that how dare she faint without her permission. She feels irritated with the good treatment Anupama is getting from Hasmukh and Moti Baa.
Leela says now Hasmukh and Moti Baa will give/waste 100 rs, doctor fee for Anupama. She says family will also buy fruits, juices and medicines for Anupama now. Leela says that they suffer a loss with her daughter-in-law’s flight and they go bankrupt, when her daughter-in-law falls. A courier person arrives and gives Anupama’s Visa stamped passport to Leela. Leela gets shocked on learning that Anupama got her visa for traveling to America. At the doctor’s clinic, Anupama gets happy knowing that she is pregnant. She jumps in joy. She prays for a daughter, saying that Vanraj always wished for a daughter.
Moti Baa says at least Vanraj knows that son is born if a couple is fated and daughter is born if a couple is fortunate. She also wishes for a great-granddaughter. At Shah house, evil Leela plans to get Anupama’s visa stamped passport torn by Paritosh and Samar. At the doctor’s clinic, Moti Baa goes outside the doctor’s cabin to give good news to Hasmukh. Anupama recalls her dance and America competition dream. She asks the doctor if she can travel to America and participate in the dance competition during pregnancy. Doctor asks Anupama to stop treating pregnancy as an illness.
She explains to Anupama that in old days, women used to do the whole household chores till the ninth month. Doctor tells Anupama that in present days, all doctors suggest Yoga, exercise, light exercise, cycling and walks. Doctor explains to Anupama that she can lead a normal life even being pregnant. She tells Anupama that it will be a different case, if any complication arises. Doctor says at complications time, pregnant women should be careful.
Doctor asks Anupama to not worry, take good care of herself, get regular checkups done, take minerals, medicines and eat healthy food. The Doctor wishes “All the best” to Anupama, for going to America and fulfilling her dreams. Anupama happily touches her stomach.
Reviewed Rating for Anupama Namaste America 6th May 2022 Written Update: 3/5 This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your own take on the show in the comment section below.