Pandya Store 7th December 2023 Written Update Amrish’s accident. Dhawal is deeply moved as he reads the letter from Amresh. In it, he expresses his disappointment in Hetal for not trusting him and choosing to believe Natasha instead. Amresh also mentions how Hetal and Amba have witnessed his struggles and the reason behind his decision to make rules for the family was to maintain unity. He reveals that the only person who has stood by him through thick and thin is Amba, while everyone else has seemingly abandoned him. As the entire family learns about the contents of the letter, they are all overwhelmed with emotion.
Amresh shares how he feels as though he has been deemed a wrongdoer by his own family, which is why he has decided to leave the house. Amrish states that there is no need for them to search for him as he is the main obstacle to their happiness. He mentions fulfilling one final duty before departing and handing over the business and family to Dhawal by signing a blank paper. Pranali informs Bhavin that despite receiving a letter from Amresh, he was truly shown his place by being excluded from inheriting the business in favor of Dhawal.
She mocks him for always being under Amresh’s control and now having to work for Dhawal instead. Bhavin signals her to stop speaking. Amresh advises Dhawal to let Natasha have her way in their personal life, but never allow their family to fall apart. This causes Dhawal to break down upon reading the letter, leaving even Hetal feeling distraught. As Natasha strolls down the street, her mind is clouded with thoughts of Dhawal obtaining her signature and Chiku’s accusations. She recalls informing Dhawal of her decision to leave him. Unsure of what to do next or where to go, she is lost in contemplation. Suman attempts to reach out to Natasha, but their call cannot connect.
Worried for Natasha, Suman questions Chiku about his intense anger towards Natasha suppressing his love for his sister. In response, Chiku explains how the Pandya Store was a symbol of the family and kept them all together. Suman reminds Chiku that he should not sacrifice his relationship with the living for those who are no longer with them. Chiku believes he cannot inform Suman that the current situation is a result of Makwanas’ actions. Amba angrily strikes Dhawal several times, accusing him of damaging the foundation of their home. She praises him for once again taking her children’s father away from them. Amba reminds them that Amresh has always put the family first and has even entrusted everything to Dhawal now.
Sobbing, she pleads for them to locate Amresh. Dhawal confirms that all he needs is Amresh, and shortly after receiving a call about finding Amresh’s car, Chirag, Bhavin, and Dhawal set off to search for it. Natasha experiences kidney pain while walking on the road and decides to take a break. Suman suggests that Chiku keep memories of Amresh in mind while she goes to check on Natasha. However, Chiku stops her and takes Mithu with him to check on Natasha instead. Meanwhile, Suman takes Sesh with her. As they walk by, Dhawal and Chiku both fail to notice Natasha. Natasha becomes worried when she sees them heading towards Makwana’s house, afraid they will discover she is not there. The episode ends with Dhawal arriving at the scene of an accident where he finds Amresh’s car in bad condition.