Anupama 16th January 2025 Written Update Prem’s family. Anupama and Rahi endure the scorching sun as they work diligently, while Parag and Mrs. Kothari share a cozy moment. In his signature diplomatic tone, Parag comments that Mrs. Kothari wasn’t taking care of herself in his absence, to which she playfully retorts that he has been micro-managing her through video calls. Parag, not one to back down from compliments, declares that no one can scold Mrs. Kothari. Mrs. Kothari chuckles, adding that she isn’t immune to Anupama’s rare scolding. Khyati serves tea to the duo, and Parag sings its praises. However, Khyati, observing their camaraderie, seems lost in thought about her son—perhaps reflecting on familial bonds.
Curious about the guests, Parag asks why Anupama and Rahi are at their place. Mrs. Kothari casually mentions she handed the catering order to Anupama, ensuring her usual knack for efficiency. Meanwhile, Gautam engages Parag in a conversation about venturing into lab-grown diamonds. Unsurprisingly, Parag rejects the idea outright. Gautam, unshaken, shifts focus to his big plan of inaugurating the Mumbai showroom with a Bollywood star. But Parag, ever the unconventional thinker, suggests Mrs. Kothari for the honor instead. The air turns heavy when Parag wistfully mentions Prem, stirring Gautam’s temper. Neeta interjects, asserting that Raja is like a son to Parag, and Parag entrusts Raja with the Mumbai showroom’s responsibility, leaving Gautam fuming.
Mrs. Kothari, ever meticulous, asks Prathana to check on Anupama and Rahi’s progress. In the meantime, Pakhi plays her usual mischief by instigating Mahi against Anupama and Rahi, whispering seeds of doubt that Anupama favors Rahi over her. Mahi’s jealousy flares, particularly her belief that Rahi has “stolen” Prem. Cue another round of melodrama!
Despite the tension, Anupama tirelessly puts in her best effort. Rahi, noticing her exhaustion, urges her to relax. However, as luck would have it, Rahi finds himself in an awkward situation when he searches for the washroom and bumps into Badshah. The man can’t resist bringing up Prem during their brief exchange, but eventually, he helps Rahi find the washroom. The staff, meanwhile, are left stunned at the sight of Rahi, as if they’ve just spotted a celebrity.
At home, Hasmuk and Leela have a surprisingly civil discussion about Mahi and Rahi. While Leela praises Mahi’s “wife material” traits, Hasmuk can’t help but champion Rahi’s virtues. This newfound balance of opinions shocks Mahi, who overhears their conversation. Meanwhile, Prem discovers that Anupama and Rahi have gone to the Kothari residence. Gautam, seething with resentment, argues with Parag for always favoring Rajat in business matters. The tension escalates when Gautam discovers Rahi in his room, leading to an awkward moment that’s only alleviated when Prathana enters, prompting Gautam to change his demeanor.
As if things weren’t chaotic enough, Jhanki asks Anupama to fetch water. Following instructions, Anupama heads to the kitchen, only to bump into Mrs. Kothari. The impact causes her to drop the bottle, shattering it. Parag rushes to inquire about the commotion, and Anupama warns him to be cautious of the glass shards. The incident leaves Prem fretting over Anupama and Rahi’s wellbeing.
Parag, in a move that feels both harsh and unnecessary, instructs Khyati to send Anupama home, stating she is no longer needed for Shri NathJi’s prasad preparation. Anupama is left shocked and speechless, a rare occurrence for the ever-composed woman. The day isn’t done throwing curveballs at her.
Precap: Gautam crosses the line by misbehaving with Anupama, igniting Rahi’s anger. Anupama, not one to stay silent, gives Parag a piece of her mind. Parag retaliates by accusing her of hurting Mrs. Kothari. Buckle up for more drama!